Twice Jihyo; Sweater

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Type: fluff


"Jihyo! Have you seen my sweater!" You yelled, as you go through your pile of clothes, laid out on your shared bed with Jihyo.

There was no response but you didn't really notice, you were just trying to find your favourite yellow sweater, that you're going to wear, the reason is that you were going to go out with your friends to a restaurant.

You may ask if I had any other sweaters but they were all in the laundry and my yellow sweater was the only the clean attire I had, for right now.

You threw clothes around, trying to find your special sweater while making your perfectly clean shared room a sea of attire.

You wildly go back and forth to the closet, the laundry, and the sea of clothes, double checking everything but no use.

You finally sat down, on the attire covered floor while contemplating your life choices, thinking if you were crazy for one sweater or you're just really stupid.

You looked at the clock, it was too early for you to leave so you tried to do another attempt on searching, despite how many times you analyzed the room and buring yourself in the laundry.

"Jihyo, I need your help!" You called.

"Okay, hold on!" You heard Jihyo, faintly respond.

Jihyo was in the second floor, in the kitchen cooking something while loud sounds were emitting, but you were on third floor, sitting helplessly.

You heard heavy steps from the stairs, waiting for Jihyo to come and help you find your precious missing sweater.

Until you realize, when you saw Jihyo  she was wearing your sweater.

She looked so small, but so precious at the same time you found it cute. The sweater looked oversized on her, hiding her shorts under the huge sweater.

"Geez, you're so cute!" Averting your attention to Jihyo's figure.

You scooped Jihyo into a hug, admiring her cuteness under your sweater, rainging Jihyo with small but quick kisses.

"Can you give my sweater back now?" You asked.

"Nope~" Jihyo teased.

"You have to get it yourself~" Jihyo began to run away with your sweater on.

"Hey, comeback!" You tried grabbing Jihyo but she was quick, you missed.

You ran after Jihyo but you stumbled downward because of your own inept move.

You fell, earning a loud thud, makimg Jihyo look back at you and you were in silent agony, because you fell on your leg while you felt your hands pulsing.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Jihyo ran over to you.

"Yeah, just my leg." You winced.

A few minutes later, you couldn't go out with your friends, because not only Jihyo won't let you but your leg bothered you way too much so you decided to jusy stay at home with your cute but really beautiful girlfriend.

Jihyo snuggled up against your chest, feeling a sense of warmth while curled up, making you two in the most comfortable position.

You two secretly competed on who will drift off to sleep first and after a few minutes you won, barely since your eyelids were starting to give up for a short while.

         This is adorable for me

                        534 words

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