Twice Jeongyeon; play it cool

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Type: a bit of angst, fluff(?)
Y'all know this ain't requested


"Why the hell did you cheat on me!?" I shout at the naked "couple" laying on the bed.

"Y/n, I can–" you cut her off, "you could've been honest with me and break up with me! But instead you make me find out in the worst way possible!"

"N-no, y/n it's not like that.. it's just that.." your ex girlfriend tried to explain, but there wasn't any clear explanation to any of this.

"We're fucking done." I threw the flowers and gifts that I once held, then left the bedroom, heading over to the front door.

I get into my car, starting the engine, then I drove towards a club that I go every once in awhile, because of my friend who always trys to hook me up with other women, and encourage me to drink with him (plus he owns the club, so you would see him almost partying 24/7.)

I clench my hands on to the wheel in anger, hitting it until my hands went red, and yelling swear words while tears rained from my eyes.

As I park into a slot, I briefly wipe the tears in my eyes. I exit the car and walked to the entrance of the club, where a bouncer is stationed there.

He lets me in, knowing that I'm the club owner's friend. As I enter the club, I was met with a crowd and colourful flashing lights, along with  music that blasted through the large speakers on a stage where a dj stands.

There was a pole where strippers dance on, in front of the stage and mostly men rain them with money, but I do see some ladies doing the same once in awhile.

I casually walk over to the bar, sitting on the high stool chairs infront of the pub, "what kind of drink do you want." the bartender asks.

"Vodka and rum, please." I replied. The bartender looks at me with a pitiful look.

"Your two broke up?" The bartender spoke. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"Well it's kind of obvious. You always order vodka and rum everytime when something bad or gloomy happens." The bartender started to pour vodka and rum in one cup.

"You know me well, Chan." I sighed.

Chan gives me a glass filled with the mixed alcohol, and gives me a 'I pity you' look.

"Don't look at me like that, Chan." I drank half of the glass in one gulp.

"Sorry, it's just that I'm worried about you. You've faced so many bad times that you've almost killed yourself and I'm worried that will happen again, especially when you just broke up with your first love." He says, while he drys the other glasses with a cloth.

"I'll get over it in a few weeks, as long as I have alcohol on my side, I can endure it." I spoke carelessly.

"You're going back to your bad habits, y/n." He reminded.

"I don't fucking care." I drank the rest of the drink. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around just to realize it was the club owner, my friend.

"So, you coming here to party?" He chuckled.

"Probably not, I'll just stay here and get drunk." I plainly replied.

"Ah, I see. Something upsetting happened I'm guessing." He sat down on the chair beside me, patting my back in a comforting way.

I sighed, "I broke up with my girlfriend, because she was cheating on me."

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