Twice Jihyo; opposites

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Requested: nope
Fluff, angst

the idols that are mentioned here are regular people


"Y/n, get your ass up!" My brother yelled.

I groaned tiredly, "why, it's the weekend.."

"We have a convenience store to run and you have to do it every morning, you dumb fuck." He insulted.

"Why do I have to be in morning duties?"

"Because mom chose you to do it."

I huffed frustratingly, then got up from my bed and headed towards the stairs.

The smell of fresh pancakes hits me once I step foot into the kitchen. I sat on a chair near the table having a bad posture along with being visibly angry.

"Y/n, fix your posture. It's bad for your back." My father smacked my back with a rolled newspaper.

My mother brought a plate full of pancakes on one hand and syrup on the other, "Y/n, I know you're frustrated but we can't work forever and you're now almost seventeen. You're going to be the new owner of the shop soon."

"Eighteen, mom. I'm turning almost eighteen." I corrected.

She gave me a look, "here, eat so you can have energy to run the shop." She placed a few pancakes on my plate, then drowned them in syrup.

I started to eat silently while thinking about how my day will go, until my brother interrupts my thoughts by speaking.

"You know what to do in the shop, right? Like sweeping and other stuff."

"Yes, I know what to do, now shut up." I sneered but my mother didn't let this slide that easily.

"Y/n! Why are you swearing all of a sudden?" She asks, then I pointed towards my brother.

"Honey, don't worry. It's one of those mood swings that Y/n is having." My father said.

I sigh as I stood up to put away my dirty plate and went back upstairs to shower, then change into my work uniform.


I exhale in boredom, and so far not many customers has arrived to buy anything.

"Why do I have to run this shop all by myself?" I murmured to myself as I continue to place the products into the right place.

After I come back to the counter, waiting for hours inside this small convenience shop without anything to entertain me.

"I can't believe that I'm getting paid for barely doing anything." I yawned.

Suddenly the bell rings, indicating that a person has came inside the store. I look towards the entrance and saw a fairly petite lady with a black hoodie on along with booty shorts, which showed off a lot of skin of her smooth legs.

The girl walks around the store but when I finally saw her face that was hidden by her hoodie, I realized it was a student from my school that I had a crush on for months.

She usually hangs around the popular group and I do hear some rumors that she goes to clubs even though she's just a highschool student.

But she is still pretty, which is why I like her although you shouldn't really focus on the looks but focus on her personality and her actions, yet my heart goes against my thoughts.

It continues to beat for her, as if it saw something that I didn't see that made it love her. For months I tried so hard to get rid of this feeling by avoiding her, running away from class once it ends, and everything in my ability to make it go away, but it still stays.

"Why come here?" I whispered to myself then continued to observe her actions.

She walks towards the counter with her head down while holding a basket filled with chips, beer, and a pack of cigarettes.

I furrowed my brows, "can I see your ID, before purchasing these things?" I ask.

She looks up to me with a slightly surprised face, "Y/n? You work here?"

My heart beats faster as minutes past, "y-yeah, it's family business." I stutter.

Beads of sweat began to slowly form on my forehead and a hot sensation starts to rise on my cheeks, "well I forgot my ID." She lied.

"You know, Jihyo. I know you're not at the right age to buy these, which means I can't give it to you." I spoke while trying to fight my uncontrollable feelings.

She sighs, "please, Y/n? I'll pay extra." Jihyo begs.

"I can't, I'll get in trouble if I let a teenager buy these things." I explained but Jihyo wouldn't take 'no' as a answer.

She puts both hands on the counter and leaned towards me, close enough that our noes almost touched and with a serious expression that emitted slight sexual tension.

I gulped nervously, "you're getting a bit close don't you think?" I took one step away from the counter but Jihyo caught the collar of my shirt, bringing me into a unexpected kiss.

We pulled away a minute later. I covered my lips in shock, "w-what was that for??" I stumbled upon my words out of nervousness, shock and happiness.

"Will that change your mind?" She asks. I gave a thought about giving the adult products to Jihyo but I shook my head no.

"I can't." I simply said. Jihyo huffed in frustration then she stood still as if she was stuck in a thought.

"How about being your partner in prom coming up next month?" She offered but I gave a shrug, "didn't you already have a partner, like your boyfriend, Yoongi?"

"We can keep it a secret."

I gave her a look filled with guilt, "I don't want to complicate your relationship with him though."

Jihyo sighs, then held her head in a frustrated way, "can't you just give the damn cigarettes and beer!?" She yells which startled me.

I bit my lip nervously, contemplating whether I should give it to her or not but then I would get in trouble and end up in my room studying for a whole three days as a punishment.

"Fine, I'll go to prom with you in exchange of these products for free." Jihyo eyes slightly lit up then she gave a small smirk towards me.

"Get dressed in the most finest and hottest suit you have." She finally leaves the store.

I punch the air in happiness but my brother intrudes by walking in with heavy foot steps and a dissapointed mixed with a mischievous expression.

"I heard all of it, Y/n and I even recorded it." He shakes his phone with his hand in the air with a smirk on his face.

"Please don't tell mom, Yugyeom" I pleaded but it didn't faze him.

"I'll think about it." He smiles mischievously as he left through the back door where our extra supplies are at.

What am I going to do?

To be continued

1151 words

Today is my birthday :))

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