Twice Mina; secret love

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Requested by: twiceuphoria
This might be disturbing for some viewers since it has some gore in it


It was dark, like pitch black dark and for some reason I couldn't move my body. I struggle to break free but it was useless.

I am tied up to what seems like a chair and blindfolded with a cloth of some kind.

I try to yell for help but it was muffled by the duct tape on my mouth.

My breathing starts to fasten and panic surges through my body which made me jump with the chair glued to my ass while whining for help, although while jumping I lose my balance then crash on to the cold floor.

I groan in pain and shiver slightly from the cold temperature but it didn't stop me. I continue to wiggle out of the chair but the ropes tied to my wrist and ankles were too tight.

My attempts to get myself free were pathetic and in vain, until I heard a door open along with loud giggles.

Heels clicked as they hit the floor, getting louder by each step near me.

I keep quiet due to fear swallowing me up like a shark eating it's prey.

"Oh, look. Our victim has fallen over, why not you help him big guy?" A female voice spoke then a deep grunt followed after.

My body lifts up from the hard floor and the cloth that was blinding me finally comes off but the sight in front of me was fearsome.

"So, how was your day? Do you remember anything?" A fairly tall woman goes up to my face creepily, holding it with her wet palms.

"Come on don't be shy, or is it because of what I'm wearing?" She pulls away to show off her bloody shirt that covered half of her blood stained shorts.

My eyes widen as I see a glimpse of a dead body behind the woman along with a table of tools that were stained in blood.

"You know what? You're such a cutie, you almost made me regret kidnapping you but at the same time I'm glad I did." She giggles like a maniac while I felt a fairly large hand gripping on my neck.

Another hand comes into view and it rips off the duct tape that silenced me but the other hand was still resting on the back of my neck.

"Don't even try to scream for help, plus no one would even hear it except us." A male voice spoke into my ear.

I gulped nervously as I watch a crazy lady laugh for ten minutes straight while being surrounded by dead strangers with a puddle of blood around them.

"I'm very sorry, it's just that I like laughing around cute boys a lot." She finally settled down but a unsettling expression still plasters her face.

"Allow me to introduce my self, I'm a very popular serial killer named Bae Joohyun."

"And my man holding your neck is Kim Namjoon, my intelligent servant."

"And I haven't figured out your name yet, so who are you?" She kneels down and rests her arms on to my legs.

"I-I'm.." I could barely speak a word because of the fear of being killed in the hands of this woman.

"Who are you!" She yells frustratingly while harshly hitting my thighs.

"Lee Y/n! M-my name is Lee Y-y/n." I stammered.

"Good. Now y/n, what do you know about your friend Seulgi?" She pulls out a knife and places it near throat.

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