Blackpink Jennie; lonely

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It was a rainy day, but you went outside. You went to a nearby park, where the grass is all damp and muddy, along with the wooden benches that are wet because of the heavy rain.

You went out without a umbrella and you didn't wear any clothes that kept you warm, except for a dark blue hoodie.

When you arrived at the park, you noticed there were many restaurants around, that were surprisingly busy during this type of weather.

You observed what's inside of each restaurant. You saw one particular person with another guy, sitting across of each other with a table between them. They were in a fancy restaurant, and there was a sign outside of the restaurant's front doors that said "couple's night".

"You've moved on, haven't you?"  You turn away and continue to walk along the damp, cement path.

Fortunately, the person looked at your direction. She watched you walk away depressingly, making herself feel bad.

"You're still hurting, aren't you?" She spoke to herself.

"Jennie, what's up?" The guy across her askes.

Jennie shakes her head lightly, "nothing, Kai." He looked at her skeptically, "you're not over him, are you?"

She avoided Kai's gaze, not wanting to answer his question, "it's my fault that he hasn't moved on."

Jennie felt his hand onto hers, "you chose me over him. You shouldn't worry about him." Kai acknowledged.

"I guess so." She sighed.


You kick the pebbles across puddles as your entertainment for the meantime, but there was something that bugged you.

It was the sorrow you tried to drown, it came back to haunt you about her. The sorrow that cut you so deep and hurted you so much, hardened you then emptied all your warmth, now all you felt is the coldness of your empty heart.

It was painful, but the pain was reduced. Now it's easier to bare it than sobbing and drinking it away.

"Why do I have to see her again?" You asked yourself.

It rained harder than it was a minute ago, getting your hoodie even more soaked.

"I'm going to get sick again." You mumbled to yourself.

You decided to go to one of those restaurants to drink if they have alcohol and eat.

Unfortunately, you being dull and dense, you went towards a diner with the event going on, which is "couple's night".

Its was busy in the diner. You looked for a vacant table, and fortunately you found one. You sat, then waited for a waiter to present you the menu.

While waiting you notice a familiar face that you never thought seeing. It was Jennie, just sitting diagonally from you, like a table away.

You hid your face by looking away and making your hair look messy, so she wouldn't recognize you by hairstyle.

Did I went in to the couple's night diner??

"Sorry to keep you waiting, here's the menu. Don't you have a partner to eat with?" The waiter asked.

"Uh, yeah I do. She hasn't showed up yet." You lied.

"Oh, hope she comes." You faked a smile towards the waiter.


He already has a girl? Has he really moved on? He got to be lying.

Jennie started at her ex secretly, wondering what was he doing for the past months. She still felt that she loved him, but she had a choice between her new boyfriend and her old one.

The reason was is that her parents were having financial difficulties, although Jennie's parents actually liked Y/n she had to commit a relationship with another dude, who's rich to help her family financially. She lied to him, by saying that she loves him but then Jennie's feelings started to change.

She kept it a secret from Y/n for a month, then she finally gave it out. It left Y/n devastated. He tried to fix his broken heart by filling it up with drinks and meeting new women to start up a relationship, but it still didn't feel that special place.

Y/n eventually gave up on trying to fix his problems, now he's just a soulless loner wandering around.

"Do you want to go to a amusement park tomorrow?" Kai asks.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Maybe?" Jennie puts up an act to not make her boyfriend suspicious, or take notice of her ex.

Jennie glances back at you. She has full view of your face now, but she didn't see anything extravagant. All she saw was your blank, empty eyes that people say are the windows to your soul, she didn't see any soul whatsoever. It was just grey and empty. You looked sick, you had dark circles below your eyes, along with messy hair that sticked out like trees, and an empty expression.

This isn't you, Y/n.


Several minutes has passed and you finally have food served in front of you, but the atmosphere between the ex couple hasn't changed.

You minded your own business, trying hard not to think about her while Jennie, she thought about you a lot. She still cared about you till this day and she remembers all of the promises you two gave each other.

We aren't meant to be, let that go through your head, Y/n.

You quickly finish your food and left. The rain was lighter, much more lighter, you could see spots of blue in the sky and sunlight trying to pierce through.

You glance back at the restaurant, you saw Jennie running after you.

No, don't follow me. You're just going to hurt me more.

You quickly walk away but something caught on to your wrist, "Y/n.." Jennie softly spoke.

"Go away. You're with him now." You tried to pull away your wrist, but she held it tighter.

"Please, Y/n. Let me explain." She begged.

"There's nothing to explain, Jennie! It's been months!" You angrily yelled.

You glared at her, scaring her. Finally, your wrist was free and you can walk away like nothing happened.

"I've been lonely for all this time. I don't need you to remind me of that."

1023 words

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