Chapter Two . . . The Date

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Chapter Two . . . The Date

        I was home, not the one I moved into, but my old home. I was in my room, my black painted walls were covered with blood. I walked closer to touch them when I heard the sound of a baby crying. I turned around and everything was gone. I was no longer in my room, but instead I was surrounded by pure darkness. The only light was coming from a baby carriage which was glowing.

     I slowly walked over to it and when I looked inside there was nothing there but a pool of blood. Where's the baby. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands one coming around my waist the other around my neck.

       "Shh . . . Baby it's just daddy. How about giving daddy a little kiss." He laughed and licked my cheeck before throwing me on the ground and kicking me in the ribs. He laughed at my pain, his voice echoed all around me.

        "Kristine! Kristine!" I bolted up from my bed at the sound of Carrie's voice. "Jeez, Kristine are you alright?" I looked around I was in the apartment laying in Sierra's little bed with her sleeping next to me. She was sound asleep and had no sign of waking up at all.

       I started to calm down a little bit when I heard the cries of my child in the next room. I jumped out of my bed annd pushed Carrie out of the way. I quickly made it to the baby's room and picked Austen up from his crib, and I began to rock him back and fourth soothingly. "It's okay Austen. It's okay baby, mommy won't let him hurt you." I silently began to cry over my child before I heard a knock on the door. I quickly wiped up my tears and looked at Carrie.

"Carrie, honey, what's wrong?" I smiled at her and realized what a great mother she could be, why did she give up her baby?

"What do you mean?" I asked playing stupid.

"Well, you got off your bed and ran in here faster than anyone I've ever seen." I looked down at Austen, rubbing his head softly with my palm, he was so handsome and soft.

"Well, you know mother's intution. Austen was crying and I knew I had to get here quickly. I guess I got here faster than I thought." I said not taking my eyes off of Austen.

"Are you ready for your date?" I looked up at her and she had a glow to her. It was like she was going on the date instead of me.

"I don't think I'm going." I said quietly before putting Austen in the crib.  After the dream I had I realized that I couldn't leave the kids alone. My dad could be looking for us and if he came here while I wasn't home he could find them and kill them.

When I turned back around Carrie had her arms crossed and I swore there were fire lighting in her eyes. It wasn't jealousy but more of a rage/annoyed/concerned look.


"You're going. I don't care if I have to drag you by the hair and duck tape you to your seat."

"Okay Carrie, no need to get angry. I'm just worried about the kids."

"The kids will be find with me. Listen, I know we don't talk about our pasts, but I'm telling you that what ever happened back them won't affect you guys now. I'm going to protect you guys." My heart softened and I felt like crying. I just wish she knew what was really happened to me, but if I told her she'd either force me to go to the police, or be so scared that she'd run.

"You are not my knight." She snorted at that as we left my room and to the bathroom.

"No shit, do I really look manly?" I laughed and shook my head. "Right. I'm more of your fairy God Mother, and I'm here to make sure you are ready for the ball. Now sit your ass down on the toliet so I can do my work."

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