Chapter Thirteen . . .Sister Talk

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Chapter Thirteen . . . Sister Talk

Kristine's P.O.V

Sierra decided to go continue playing with Mia as I layed on the couch by myself. I was motionless and I wanted to cry.

I knew that the man I was madly in love with was in the kitchen with my son and his sister telling her of my whole life story, and yes I was madly in love with him. He held my son and played with my daughter like the father I always wanted them and myself to have.

My father at one time would hold me and tell me that I was his beautiful princess up until my mother died. My good memories of my father were very vague and replaced with horrible ones of leather belts beating me, smashing of glass over my head, and pushing me down the steps that could of not only killed me but my son.

I cringed and sat up quickly thinking I heard my father's voice and the feeling of his leather belt being whipped against my skin.

All of the sudden Jessica came out with two glasses in her hands and she was smiling. Did Tyler tell her about my past?

"Hey girl, I got you some lemonade, do you want some?" I nodded and she handed me the glass. Instead of drinking it I looked down at it.

"So, you want to talk?" I looked at her and nodded. "Okay, where do you want to start?" She asked with a sad smile.

"How much did he tell you?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Very little, he wanted you to tell me." I looked at her shocked. She didn't know anything? Right about now I wanted to run up to Tyler and kiss him.

"Well, my mother died when Sierra was born and my father started hitting me, he told me it was my fault. At that time I was just a child. So, I ended up taking care of Sierra." I continued on with my life story and could of sworn that it was something that I had read in story instead of living it.

"Wow, I . . .uh . . . don't know what to say." Jessica said and put her empty glass on the table.

"You don't have to say anything. I know its a lot to take in, and if you don't want me to stay here with your brother I will take my kids and we'll leave."

"No, I think your good for him. I have never ever seen a look on his face with any other girl besides you and he loves your kids too." She smiled at me and I couldn't help the warmth that surrounded my heart but yet I was angry

"What do you mean I'm good for him?" I whispered and laughed. "I have two kids at the age of 17 hell I'm not even old enough to vote. I've not only been beaten for so many years of my life but I have been raped. Beaten and raped I could be messed up in the head!" I was going to go on more but then saw Tyler holding my baby with so much love that I was too stunned.

Suddenly Jessica gently wrapped her arms around me not as tight as the first time but enough that I knew that she would be there for me. "You are not messed up in the head, you are strong." I let her go as soon as I heard footsteps and followed Tyler down the hall and into the room where Austen was staying I assumed.

When I actually got into the room I felt tears instantly fill my eyes. Austen was in his crib sleeping while Tyler stayed on a chair next to him holding onto Austen's little hand.

"You know," I whispered and his head popped up. "I am okay. Just a little angry."

"You weren't angry you are pissed off." I smiled at his seriousness and shrugged. "How can you just laugh about this?"

I got off from the wall I was leaning on and went over and sat on his lap. Instantly his arms went around me. "Well, I just keep thinking that it happened and hopefully is over with, and I got two wonderful gifts out of the deal."

"But look what you had to go through?" His arms squeezed me closer.

"What I went through was hard and painful but the only thing I could do was shut up hold onto the safety bar and ride out the ride." I looked into his eyes and actually saw tears form. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug and ran my fingers softly through his hair.

"I am so sorry that I couldn't protect you, couldn't save your from the pain and the hurt."

I smiled and kissed the top of his head. "Tyler you just met me, you didn't know what was happening."


"Sh, no buts. You have helped me in more ways then you can possibly imagine. You gave me and my two children a home, food, and things that I never thought I could possibly have, and I have no way to thank you for it." He pulled his head away from my shoulder and kissed me hard on the lips.

"No need to make it up to me. Just give me that every once and awhile and we should be even." There was one little tear rolling down his eye and I kissed it away. Tyler kissed me neck and I instantly moaned.

"Tyler." I moaned pleasure, he ignored me and continued. "Austen, your sister." between each word I let out a gasp.

He pulled away and smiled at the mark that was now on my neck. "Your right. Now that your marked we can go." I got up off his lap and rolled my eyes.

"You are so going to pay for this." I hid the mark with my hair and started to walk out but Tyler caught my arm and for once I didn't jump.

"Sweetheart, I'm shaking in my boots." He whispered seductively in my ear and I couldn't help but shiver.

He let go of my arm and grabbed my hand before dragging me through the hall and into the living room where he sat down on the couch and put me on top of his lap.

"Yes, Thank you, and I love you too. Okay, bye." Jessica replied on the phone while she sat acrossed from us on the loveseat.

I looked at Tyler in confusion but he only shrugged showing that he was just as confused as I was which wasn't good considering that she was his sister.

Jessica finally hung up the phone and smiled at both me and Tyler. "Okay, so don't be mad."

"What did you do?" Tyler growled at her and I slapped him on the chest.

"Be nice." I said and turned back to Jessica. "Jessica, what exactly shouldn't I be mad at you for."

"Well, I called my mother." Jessica had an unsure smile, Tyler's face was red, and me, well, I was totally confused.

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