Chapter Seventeen . . . Life Unexpected

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Chapter Seventeen . . . Life Unexpected

Kristine's P.O.V

I woke up and I was sore. It wasn't just my wrists, it was more of my whole body. I opened my eyes and all I saw was darkness and a blur of light. I tried to open my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. My mouth was so dry and my throat burned almost like I was pushed underwater and left to drown.

I suddenly had a flashback of tonight, my mom's grave, running in the rain, yelling at Tyler, Carrie, and whoever else was in the room. Then I went to the bathroom and I started the tub. I got into the tub fully clothed and just layed until it filled up all the way to the top. I struggled to hold myself underwater and realizing drowning wouldn't work, so I broke the glass soap holder and I held it to my wrists. Oh God what have I done!

Was I dead? I couldn't be in heaven because in heaven there wasn't any pain, and I was in a lot of pain. I closed my eyes again, took a deep breath, and sat up. Pain shot through my body and I began to cough.

"Oh Lord, drink this." I was handed a glass filled with water and I chugged it down despite the pain in my throat. A pair of hands took the empty glass away from me. "You gave us all a scare you know." I looked up and it was Tina who stood with the glass in her hands and also I sad smile on her face.

"Where's Tyler?" I croaked.

"He's feeding Austen right now. I swear kids have a sense where they are aware of trouble. Sierra has been crying saying she wants to see you, Austen won't stop crying no matter what we do. They need their mother, you know." My babies needed me! What was I thinking! I would have just left them on this earth with out a mother and my father would definitely found them, I'm such an idiot!

"C-can I see my babies?" Tina nodded and left the room. I instantly began sobbing. Why did I do this? Why couldn't I control myself.

"Mommy!" I heard before the bed sunk in and the most beautiful little girl jumped on my lap.

"Sierra, baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I kept repeating as I held her tight and rocked her slowly back and fourth.

"Oh my God, Kristine!" Carrie's voice rang through the room before she ran over to me and hugged me and Sierra both together.

"Hi Aunt Carrie." Sierra mumbled making me laugh.

"Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you are in?" She said ignoring Sierra.

"I know, I know."

"What were you thinking?" I layed back on the pillow ,bringing Sierra with me, and sighed.

"Can we not talk about this right now, please."

"Kristine, this can't be avoided." She said then turned to Sierra, "Honey, can you go in the living room and play."

"But I want to be with momma." I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek.

"It's okay. We will be real quick." I assured her.

"OK mommy." She said and kissed me on the cheek before running out the door.

"Kristine, why? Just tell me why."

"Because, I just needed it to stop."

"Your dad?" She said and I nodded. Somebody must of told her. "I'm sorry this has happened to you, but you can't leave us, or those kids we need you too much."

"Yeah, because I'm so much of a help to this world."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I looked down at my wrapped left wrist.

"Nothing." I mumbled and put my arm down.

"Kristine, you mean a lot to this world. Without you our lives would be sad and boring. There would be no Austen and Sierra would be God only knows where."

"Carrie, everyone I come around ends up hurting me in some way. I don't think I can deal with it anymore."

"No one is hurting you anymore. All of us love you Kristine, why can't you see that."

"Because my dad would tell me that too." I looked in her eyes and saw the sadness.

"Damn it Kristine, why can't you see that we actually mean it!" She yelled before leaving the room. I was alone, in my own thoughts. God, did I make a mess. I definitely screwed up this time.

The door creaking open removed me from my thoughts. "Hey beautiful." I heard Tyler''s voice whisper and he appeared in the room.

"Hi." I whispered back and looked at anything but him. I was ashamed.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah, I think so." I finally looked at him and saw that his hands were stained with blood, my blood.

"Why?" He whispered.

"I'm tired, Tyler. I'm so tired that I don't think I can handle it anymore." I began sobbing. I was so tired and so scared.

"That's when you talk to me Kristine! This is what I'm here for, you talk to me and I'll help you through it."

"Tyler, I didn't think! I was just done." I sobbed harder into my hands. Suddenly the bed dipped in and a pair of arms wrapped around me.

"Don't cry beautiful, don't cry."

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I repeated to him like I did to Sierra.

"No, no, don't please. I love you, don't cry, don't cry." He soothed me until I was almost sleeping, and everything became quiet.

"Tyler?" I asked quietly just in case he was sleeping.

"Yeah, beautiful?"

"What are we going to do?"

"Well, I want you to report you father, Kristine. He needs to be-"

"No." I cut him off. "If I get him arrested, he'll come back at me with kindapping Sierra. I don't have full custody over her, not yet anyway."

"We-You'll get it. I'll talk to a lawyer tomorrow." I snuggled closer to Tyler's chest.

"Thank you,  Tyler."

"Anytime beautiful." Things became quiet again and I felt overwhelmed with joy, I may actually get to be Sierra's actual mother. I'm going to start my family, and with Tyler. That's when a thought popped in my mind.

"Tyler, what about us?" I asked quietly and he looked down at me with a smile.

"Well, we are just going to have to play it cool for a while."

"What does that mean?" I was afraid he was breaking up with me.

"Well, for starters you have detention tomorrow with me."

"You're kidding right?"

"Nope." I leaned up and looked down at Tyler.

"I've never had detention in my life!"

"Well, you do now, and I hear that this teacher is pretty good looking." His smile was big.

"Well, I also hear that he's an arogant asshole." He gently grabbed my arms and I layed in his.

"I hear he has a beautiful, sexy, intelligent, brave girlfriend that he loves with his heart." He whispered seductively in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Well, he must be a lucky man then."

"He's very very lucky." I looked up at him and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I answered back.

Maybe detention wouldn't be so bad tomorrow.

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