Chapter Twelve . . . Meet the family (Part 1)

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Chapter Twelve . . . Meet the family (Part 1)

"Hi, I'm Jessica! Tyler's sister." I smiled at her enthusiasim, but deep down I was scared. I think Tyler realized it because he put a comforting arms around my shoulders.

"Hi, I'm Kristine." I took in Jessica's apperance and although she didn't look like Tyler's sister she was still drop dead gorgous. She had dark black long hair, a slim figure, and big brown beautiful eyes. The little girl in her arms looked exactly like her. God were they both lucky.

"Tyler will you hold Mia." She didn't really ask Tyler she more-or -less handed her over to him in a confident demanding way.

Tyler took the little girl with a big smile on her face and Jessica came at me with open arms.

"Jessica, no!" I didn't understand what was going to happen until it did. Jessica threw her arms around me and hug me, tight, and in the proccess squeezing my injuried ribs. I closed my eyes tight and felt tears fall out of them. A strangled cry left my throat and before I knew it I was falling to the ground.

"Oh my god!" Jessica gasped as I hit the ground. Quickly Tyler was at my side and Sierra was running over to me, but Tyler told her to stay back.

"I'm so sorry! What did I do?" Jessica weeped as she kneeled down on the floor next to me. She rolled me onto my back and lifted up my shirt to reveal the hideous bruises that I've been hiding for so long. "Tyler please tell me you didn't."

"No," I moaned and slowly and painfully sat up. "Tyler would never." I gasped in pain when Tyler picked me up and put me on the couch. Sierra carefully sat on my legs.

"Mommy?" She had tears in her eyes and I wiped them away with my hand. Why did she have to cry for me?

"I'm okay, baby. I'm okay." At that moment Austen decided to wake up and he began crying loudly. I tried to sit up to go get him but was gently pushed down by Tyler.

"I got him."

"No, he's my -"

"You're hurt and physically weak, if you pick him up you might fall or even drop him and I don't want that do you?"

I leaned back on the pillows earning a kiss and an award winning smile from Tyler before he went to get Austen from the swing.

"Mia why don't you play with Sierra. Show her your princess stuff." I watched as Mia and Sierra silently went upstairs.

"Jessica, can I talk to you for a second." I was scared was this the part where he would ask his sister what to do and then quick me out? I already knew it was too much for him.

As Jessica and Tyler walked into the kitchen I closed my eyes and held Sierra tight to me.

"It will be okay." I whispered.


Tyler's P.O.V

I walked into the kitchen with a baby in my arms and my sister looking at me like I was totally insane, but I knew I wasn't. The child in my arms felt like my own and Sierra felt like my beautiful daughter who was a spinning imagine of her mother.

I feel so lucky. I thought as I popped the bottle into Austen's mouth, and I turned to Jessica. "Jess, I know what you are going to say but-"

"Tyler you have exactly three seconds to tell me what happened to her. So you'd better think fast."

"Well, what do you think?"

"All I know is that she has two kids and only seventeen so you better have some sort of explaination."

I didn't know what to say. Could I trust my own sister to keep Kristine's secret? "Her dad abuses her and she was raped." I said so fast that it sounded like a big mess, but from the look on her face I knew that she understoodeverything I said.

"Was it her dad?" My sister whispered and I cringed at the thought.

"No, it was another guy at her old school. That's Austen's father and Sierra is her sister but her mother died, so she's been taking care of her and now Austen too." Jessica walked to me and took the baby out of my hands, and I felt empty. Such a little tiny thing that barely fit in my arms made me feel filled.

"Wow, he's beautiful." Jessica whispered in awe as she swayed him back and fourth. "You know he has eyes. He kind of looks like you Tyler." My sister knew a lot about a person by just looking at them and I'm guessing she saw the love in my eyes when I looked at Austen. It was like when I first saw Mia for the first time. That's why my sister said all those things because she knew I loved Austen like my own and I just met him.

I mean I spent all morning with him and already I've changed him four times and gave him three bottles but the way he held onto my finger made something inside of me feel loved like I never felt before, and that was how I felt when I looked at Kristine too.

"Jess, how could a father do that to something so beautiful?" I asked as I walked over and took Austen out of her hands.

"You know I've been asking myself the same thing?" I knew what she meant as she put her head down.

"What are you going to do?" She asked and suddenly brought her head up.

"Keep them here and make sure that evil S.O.B doesn't get to them."

"Yeah, but she's still your student and you'd have a lot to explain to that commitee and by looking at her she's too scared to tell anybody."

"Will you talk to her? You know a little girl time?" I knew she'd say yes when her eyes slightly sparkled.

"Of course, why not and I'm a psychologist anyway." I laughed at that one.

"You're on you first week of school, you not a psychologist yet, Jess." Jessica frowned at me making me laugh harder. "Besides I don't want you to analyze her as a patient I want you to get into her mind like you girls." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"You still like her don't you."

"That's ridiculous she's my student!" I lied and Jess's smile grew larger.

"Whatever you say big brother, whatever you say." She turned to go to the other room but stopped and turned towards me again. "You're going to have to tell her you know, let her know she'll be loved." She said with a shrug and walked out the door.

I looked down at a wide awake Austen in my eyes and rolled my eyes. "Women."

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