Chapter Fourteen . . . Meet the Family (Part 2)

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Chapter Fourteen . . . . Meet the Family (Part 2)

I didn't understand what was so bad about Tyler's mother, was she mean? Was she abusive like my father? Or was it me that they were worried about? Would the abused soul ruin a relationship between son and daughter? God, so much was running through my head that I couldn't even change Austen's diaper.

Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around each of my wrists and instantly I jumped. I looked up and saw Tyler frowning at me.

"Sorry." I whispered and continued working on the diaper.

"You don't have to be scared you know, or think so hard about this. You don't have to meet my mother if you don't want to." I finished Austen's diaper and picked him up.

"It's not that I don't want to, but why are you so worried? Is it me you are worried about because if it is I don't have to go, or if it's the kids I'm sure Carrie wouldn't mind watching them and-" He silenced me with a kiss.

"It's not the kids or my mother I'm worried about. I'm worried about you."

"Me?" I squeaked.

"Yes, you my mother will probably say somethings to you that is different. My mother is different." I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean by different?" I watched him smile.

"My mother can read people. People say she's psychic but she's not. She can read aura's." I nodded and took Austen to the kitchen where I strapped him in his car seat and prepared him for the road.

"Wait your not freaked out by this?" Tyler asked and I didn't know he had followed me.

"No, why would I be?"

"Kristine, our family is not typical." He said with a laugh.

"Tyler, I don't know what a 'typical' family is. Shall we hit the road?" He nodded and picked up Austen's car seat and we walked to the car.

In the car it was silent as I watched house after house go by. They were all big and all very beautiful. Tyler said we would get there soon, and I knew that Tyler was right they weren't a typical family, but a rich one.

"We're here." Tyler said as we pulled up a dirt road and stopped at a big white mansion with a farm next to it.

I got out of the car and stared at the house while Tyler was getting Austen. A second later Jessica pulled in and Sierra and Mia got out with Jessica and they held hands.

"Hi mommy." Sierra said with a smile as she let go of Jessica's hand and ran up to me. I quickly caught her in my arms and smiled at the warmth in my arms.

"Hi baby, how was your ride?"

"Gooooooood." She stretched her words and then instantly her eyes were glued on something behind me. "Mommy horses!" I turned and saw a horse standing behind a fence staring at us.

"That's Buttercup, Sierra. Do you want to meet her?" Tyler asked and I glared at him. I didn't want to leave my baby for one more second.

"Mommy?" She looked at me with hope in her eyes. I looked at Tyler who nodded and mouthed 'Let her go.'

"Jessica, take Sierra and Mia to see Buttercup." Tyler suddenly blurted out as I stood quiet.

"Yeah, sure. Come on Sierra." Jessica took Sierra out of my hands and set her gently on her feet.

"I love you momma." She called as she walked with Jessica and Mia.

"I love you too." I called back and Tyler came over and wrapped his arm around me.

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