Secrets of a School Girl (teacher/student love story)

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WARNING: this is a story about a student and teacher having a romantic relationship also there is abuse and other tags that are not appropriate for all readers so please if you start to feel offended or angry in any way STOP READING!!!!!! This story was not made to hurt or offend anyone but for entertainment only.
Also if you have a suggestion for the story don't be afraid to comment below i will read every comment and consider your suggestion.

Thank you,
Poison girl

(Ten Months ago...)

"YOU WHORE. YOU FUCKING WHORE!" My father screamed at me before throwing me down the steps. I covered my stomach and my motherly instincts took over.
When you tell your father that you were a month pregnant, every teenager knew that their father would take it badly, but my case was a little different.
Six years ago, my baby sister was born. It was a surprise to even find out that she was pregnant, since my mother was in her late 40's at that time, but my father and I were ecstatic over the news. Nine months later my mother went into labor. My father and I went to the hospital with smiles on our faces and when the doctor came out he held a baby in a pink blanket, but he was frowning. Why would he frown if he just brought a new life in the world. I wondered at the time.
My mother had died while giving birth to my sister.
My father was crushed and I was stunned, the woman who promised me that no matter what she would always be there for lied. She wasn't there for me and I was only eleven. From then on my father hit me and kicked me telling me that I was worthless and I should of saved my mother, but save her from what? Giving life to my sister?
It was ridiculous I know, it he was always drunk, so of course he sounded stupid, but with him being drunk just meant more beatings then usual and they usually hurt a lot more. For some reason though, no matter how many times he hit me, kicked me, beat me, and pushed me down the steps death would not come. Sometimes I would lay on the ground bloody and prayed that God would take my life away, but then I would hear that little baby voice crying and I had to get up. My father would hurt the innocent baby if she continued to scream and I couldn't have that. She was like my child.

So, I took the beatings so that child could have food and a roof over head because my sister was like my daughter and I loved her. I wouldn't let her starve or let her live in the rain, and I sure as hell didn't want her with anyone else besides me. That might sound selfish, but I was protecting her. I took beatings for her, and if she was taken away I wouldn't be able to protect her. I thought my life would never get any worse than this but I was wrong.

At school there was this perfect football jock named Josh Cassidy. He was so handsome and so perfect. Well, at least that's what I thought. Apparently Josh and his jock friends were making fun of me. Told everyone that I was his stalker, and one day I was on my way to the bathroom during school and him and his friends pulled me into the janitor's closet and . . . well . . . he raped me while his friends held me down and laughed. Told me I was only good at lying on my back. Who says that to a girl? No, who does that to a girl?

After he was . . . finished, I felt so dirty and gross and ashamed and . . . and I hated myself, no I hated them! I wanted my life to end, but then thoughts came to my head. Who would take care of my sister? Who would take care of my dad? I know that sounds stupid after what he has done to me, but I didn't want him dead, he was still my dad. So, I got up of the floor and walked to my class like nothing was wrong. Not that anyone would notice anyway, I wasn't exactly popular or liked, but couldn't anyone see my pain or the tears in my eyes. Hell my only friend didn't notice either.

Anyway, this is how I got here. I was laying on the floor after tumbling down my steps holding my stomach and crying, my dad had left and went to a bar, and my sister came running down the steps crying. She touched my hair and my stomach.

"Kristine what about the baby?" She asked in her soft three-year-old voice. She looked like an angel in with her blond hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress that looked almost angelic, but the tears in her eyes made me come back to reality. What about my baby? Was he or she okay? I never prayed for anything so hard in my life.

"Sierra, honey, you need to go upstairs and go into your bedroom, I'll be up in a minute." My sister let a tear fall and I wiped it away with a smile. Then she walked up the steps and left me on the cold floor.

"God, I know I haven't prayed to you in a while, and when I did I only wished upon death but," I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, "please don't let my baby die. Now, I'm going to do something that's going to be hard but I need your help through it. Amen." I made the sign of the cross and forced myself up off the ground and I crawled up the steps and up to Sierra's door where I saw her on the bed crying.

"Baby," I got up off the ground and pulled her into my arms, "don't cry. I'm going to save us." I kissed her head before removing myself from her arms and walked to her closet where I pulled out her 'Little Mermaid' suitcase and started throwing her clothes in it. once I was done I laid it on her bed, grabbed her hand and ran to my room. I did the same and packed my clothes then went inside my pillow case and pulled a wad of cash that had over  two thousand dollars from working at my job at the coffee shop that I kept hidden, and I shoved it in my pocket. I grabbed our bags and Sierra and ran outside.

After placing our bags and Sierra in my old rusty piece of crap of a car, I sat in the driver's seat and looked back at Sierra.

I wanted to turn around and forget this whole idea but something in my head whispered, 'Go, you will survive' That was all I needed and I drove away from hell.

So how was that? Should I continue on? Let me know what you all think! It's appreciated and so is the votes. Oh and pic of Kristine Winchester on the right

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