Chapter Nine . . . Too Scared for you

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Chapter Nine . . . Too Scared for You

Carrie's Pov

She looked dead, my best friend look dead. "Please Kristine wake up." I wanted to cry. She was laying in her bed so peacefully, but she was so pale and so beaten every part of her body was either bruised, swollen, or bleeding. Who was the man? Why did he hurt her? Did he want money? Did he want sex? These were all questions that would have to wait until she was healed, but I don't know if I'm the right person to fix her.

Tyler was who I would call, but maybe not right away. He was the one who gave me the note after all. He wasn't exactly nice about it but at least he gave it to me.

I puleed the crinkled up note out of my pocket and read it again even though it was short.


Hide the kids and yourself.


I listened to half the note. I sent the kids away to my Aunt's house. She was the only living relative that would speak to me. My aunt Kathy lived by herself and she always wanted kids so I gave her the best kids in the world for a little while. I'd bring them back before Kristine would wake up though she deserved to see her kids after this.

"No, daddy please stop." Kristine whispered in her sleep as she began to gasp for air that she thought she wasn't getting.

"Kristine." My chest was full of pain as she whispered her dad's name. Was the man her dad? Why would he hurt his own daughter? It couldn't be him Kristine told me from day one that both of her parents were dead and that's how she got Sierra, but she never would specify how she got Austen, and I never go into it. She loved her kids, helped everyone who needed help, now it was time she got the help she deserved.


(The Next Morning)

Tyler's Pov

"What do you mean she's your student!" My sister screamed on the other end. Clearly she was furious with me. One because she never met Kristine and two because I totally embarrased Kristine in front of everyone.

"I mean she is in my creative writing class as my student! She never told me! It wasn't my fault how was I suppose to know that she was seventeen!"

"Uh you ask! Dumbass! Listen you still have thing for this girl clearly, and from what you tell me about her I can tell that someone or something as hurt her that's why she is hiding from you, and also I like her she sounds good for you. She probably liked you too until you pretty much embbarrassed her infront the whole entire school."

"Well, what the hell am I suppose to do? She probably won't even talk to me now. If you were in her place what would you do?"

"Well, I would probably start by kicking you ass," I sighed my sister was something else, "but like I said this girl sounds like she's been hurt before so of course kicking your ass would not be on her top priotrity list."

I sighed, "That's sounds like a good plan."

"Yeah, but unfortunately for you her plan would be stay away from you for as long as she can."

"What do I do, Jess?"

"Go to the flower shop and get her at least a dozen roses and beg for forgiveness."

"Great, just great."

"Well, you like her don't you!" Jessica yelled at me not really asking but knowing.

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