Chapter Twenty-Six . . . Death where are you?

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Chapter Twenty-Six . . . Death, where are you?

Kristine's P.O.V

I wish I could say I got away free, that my dad had let me go and took care of me like a real father did. I wish I could say that Tyler and I had gotten married and had children of our own, and I wish I could say that I wasn't slowly dying painfully, but I could only wish those things.

I was still hanging from the ceiling, my wrists were dripping with blood. Actually, my whole body was dripping with blood, but I didn't shed any tears no matter what my father did to me.

"You know Kristine, our fun is going to have to end soon." My father laughed as he put down a hot pipe that he burnt me with just seconds ago. I could still feel the agony. I didn't have the strength to look at it's condition nor did I want to see.

"You're going to let me go?" I could only whisper sarcastically. My body was so weak, they hadn't given me even a drip of water.

"You know better than that, you are going to see your mother." I closed my eyes and let my head hang. I really didn't want to listen to another story on how my mother's life was taken because I demanded a sibling.

"Bastard." I mumbled to myself and felt the pain as something hit my back. I whimpered.

"Why are you making this worse on yourself Kristine?"

"You are not going to stop even if I begged. It took a couple of years for me to realize that." He nodded as he looked at some of his tools.

"I might of killed you already. Just to end your misery."

"Oh really? I'm surprised I haven't died yet, and I'm not talking about from all the pain, I'm talking about having to look at your ugly ass everyday. Death where are you! Save me from this piece of shit I'm suppose to call a father." You are probably wondering when I got so ballsy, well it started to happen around the time he took a knife down my body. What a prick and a pussy.

"You really have changed. Turned out to be a bitch just like that cunt mother of yours."

"Don't call her that." I snapped and he walked up to my and picked my head up by my hair.

"Think about it Kristine, did you really think I just suddenly started to hit you? Hell no, you pissed me off all the time but your mother begged me not to hurt you. So, I took my anger out on her. I beat the shit out of her ever time you pissed me off. When she died I wanted you. I wanted you in pain so bad that I would of sold my soul to the devil just to see it once." My father hit my mother? But I never saw a bruise on her. I guess she was just good at hiding her bruises and scars just like me.

"Why? Why do you hate me so much?"

"Because you ruined my life! As soon as that bitch mother of yours got pregnant she only wanted you. I was nothing! I couldn't stand it! Hell, I pushed her down the steps once just so you would die! WHY WON'T YOU DIE!" He punched me in the face. Yet again I felt blood fill my mouth, but instead of spitting it on the floor, I spit it in his face.

"Go to hell asshole!" He turned around and picked up a knife and ran it across my throat.

"I'll see you there bitch." He smiled and raised the knife. I closed my eyes waiting for death and happiness, but it never came. Instead I heard gunshots that caused my weak body to jump. I picked my head up and saw a police officer in uniform holding a gun. I turned my head to the other side and saw my father lying on the ground not moving, but I caught him breathing.

"Miss Winchester?" The police officer whispered in shock and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you mind getting me down?" He nodded and instantly he was at my side. Later on more police officers came down to help me and a few paramedics checking on me making sure I was okay. Which clearly I wasn't.

The chains quickly released me. I closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground but a pair of strong and warm hands caught me before I could.

"Kristine." The voice behind me whispered with pure sadness in their voice. I turned around slowly and hugged the man behind me.

"Tyler!" I yelled/sobbed into his chest. He hugged me tight and ran his fingers through my bloody hair. "I thought you were dead! I thought he killed you!" I sobbed some more but he kept soothing me without words.

"Um . . . Miss Winchester?" I turned out of Tyler's hold and a police woman stood with a robe in her hands. Then I remembered I was pretty much naked. With a blush I took the robe with a silent thanks and put it on slowly while gasping at each and everyone of my wounds. I was pulled back into Tyler's arms as they took my father away on a stretcher. Many paramedics were trying to look at me but I wouldn't let them.

"Can you check her in the the van?" Tyler asked and I didn't hear an answer but suddenly I was picked up and being carried through what I suspected was a house, but I wasn't quite sure since I kept my eyes shut.

"Tyler, put me down please."


"Tyler please!"

"No, I'm never letting you go."

"I won't go anywhere I promise." I begged him and he paused for a moment before slowly putting me on my feet. As soon as I felt my feet hit the ground I jumped on Tyler kissing every part of his face.

"I thought you were dead, Tyler! I was going to kill him! I was going to-" I sobbed more into his shirt. Thank God he was alive. I don't know what I would of done if he was dead.

"It's okay." He whispered and rubbed circles on my back.

After about a five minutes I wiped my tears with my bloody hands. "How did you find me?"

"I saw the roses and knew that Jackson had something to do with your disappearance." I hugged Tyler tight despite my body screaming in pain.

"It was horrible Tyler, so horrible. I don't want to go back, don't make me go back." He squeezed me only a little.

"Never, you will never go back. I love you so much."

"I love you too." I hugged Tyler ten times harder and looked over his shoulder, where I found movement in the bushes. Suddenly Jackson came running out with a knife and an evil smile on his face. He was going to kill Tyler.

"No!" I yelled shocking Tyler before I pushed him away. Jackson came right up to me and put the knife in my stomach.

It was horrible, with the mixture of my past beatings and now the knife I felt like I was going to explode. I slowly felt my body fall and I hit the ground. I closed my eyes and opened them. Everything was a big blur. 

I saw colorful movement as someone was wrestled to the ground. I looked down at my stomach and it was pouring blood. I touched the handle of the knife when I felt something warm catch my now freezing hand.

"Don't touch it Miss Winchester, paramedics are coming." I couldn't nod but I could only whisper.

"Tyler." My head was being cradled on Tyler's lap.

"I'm right here. Don't leave us. Please don't leave us." I felt drops of wetness my face. I reached up to touch Tyler but my hand became too heavy and it fell to my side before the darkness came over me.

A.N.- Sad right? Is Kristine alive or dead I guess your just going to have to wait to find out. Oh and BTW while your waiting you see that little vote button on the top left? Hit it, and then leave me a few comments.

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