Chapter Twenty . . . Mine

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Chapter Twenty . . . Mine

Tyler and I were in his car and we were so silent that you could seriously hear a pin drop. I grabbed Tyler's hand tightly, and he squeezed back.

"It's going to be okay. I know this guy he's been a friend of mine since highschool." I rolled my eyes at that comment.

"It doesn't matter if you are friends with him or not. I'm a highschool student, you are my boyfriend and are not a highschool student. If he finds out about that, I will be sent back to my father and you will be sent to jail."

"Well, David is an awesome guy, if he finds out about us then I'll talk to him about it, but until then we have to play it cool. I am your hot, amazing, kickass writing teacher and you are my beautiful, goodlooking, sexy, amazing, hot . . ."

"You know," I cut him off, "that this is not going to help hide what we just talked about." I said and he laughed.

"Oh I know, but it's all true hotstuff." I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me .


"Yes, hotstuff. Unless you like sexy tiger better?"

"Where the hell do you come up with these names?"

"By your kiss and personality." I laughed. He was truly a loveable idiot. My laughter turned into heavy breathing as we pulled into the attorney's office.

"Hey, you need to relax. If we are ever going to get through this then you need to calm down." Tyler said and squeezed my hand. I nodded at him quickly and gave him a small smile.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes." I whispered and he quickly leaned over and pecked me on the lips.

"Let's go hotstuff." I laughed and we both got out of the same time. He quickly ran over to me and grabbed my hand. Warmth and the feelling of being safe invaded my whole body, but quickly disappeared as soon as we entered the building.

I swallowed the ball in my throat as we walked to the front desk, but the ball wouldn't go down.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman asked kindly.

"My name is Tyler Brolin, Mr. Rizzo and I have an appointment." The woman smiled broadly.

"Yes, of course. Mr. Rizzo has been expecting you. Just go through the door on your right and he should be at his desk."

"Thanks." Tyler said and pulled me with him through the office door, and sitting at his desk sat David Rizzo. He looked around Tyler's age but had short black hair, dark eyes with bags underneath them. He was wearing a business suit but didn't look like he was in business, he looked far to young.

"Tyler!" David yelled and got up and shook hands with Tyler and then with me. "I'm sorry Miss, but Tyler and I haven't seen each other in years. I didn't mean to look so unprofessional."

"No, not a problem." I replied looking at the ground and Tyler put his arm around me.

"Well why don't we all take a seat and you guys can explain to me what's going on." David said and we followed him to a set of seats. David sat at his desk and pulled out some documents. "Alright, well what's the deal?"

"Well, this is Kristine Winchester, she has two kids and I want-" Tyler was cut of by David.

"Wait a second, you have two kids? How old are you twelve?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm seventeen." I almost growled at him.

"Seventeen with two kids? What do your parents think of this?" I stiffened and Tyler felt it.

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