Chapter Twenty-Two . . . Torture Room

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Chapter Twenty-Two . . . Torture Room

"Miss Winchester, can you hear me? Miss Winchester?" My name sounded like someone was underwater yelling for me. I opened my eyes and instantly a light was flashed in them.

"Ugh, get that damn thing away from me." I moaned and heard a chuckle. I opened my eyes once again and this time didn't have a blinding light shining at me thankfully, but there were a bunch of people surrounding me, they were mostly in a police uniform.

"Miss Winchester, are you alright." I got off of the cold hard gross floor and held my head.

"Yeah, yeah, my head just hurts." I felt a bump in the back of my head and moaned.

"Well, don't move around too much, you had one heck of a fall." I nodded, and began to look around.

"Where's Mr.Brolin?" Each officer looked at each other, and then all at once turned their head to me.

"Well, you see, your teacher Mr.Brolin pretty much went crazy when you went down, we had to remove him from the room."

Great just great this is all I needed right now. My dad was going to find me, put me through hell and then kill me, and not seeing Tyler made me feel worse.

"I need to see him." I simply said before walking out of the room and into another where I found Tyler handcuffed to a chair.

"Come on, we got to go." I said and his eyes snapped up to me. Clearly he was thinking and thinking hard.

"Kristine, what happened back there?" He asked his eyes showing concern.

"It doesn't matter."

"But-" Tyler was going to go on but was cut off by a police officer.

"Miss Winchester, do you have any family you can stay with?" I looked at my feet at that question.

"No." I simply said.

"Well, then you are going to have to stay here."

"She'll stay with me." Tyler said still handcuffed to the chair.

"Mr. Brolin, that's a lot of responsiblity, and I also understand that you are her teacher, correct?"

"Well, yeah, but my sister and mother are staying with me also." The police officer nodded, sighed, and walked over to uncuff Tyler.

"Okay, but I'm going to have two of my men watching the house, also." 

"That's a good idea." Tyler said standing up and rubbing his now uncuffed wrist.

"Can we go?" I asked.

"Yes, my men are waiting outside, they are going to follow you home and watch your house." The officer said.

"Thank you officer . . ."

"Hassen, officer Hassen." I nodded and gave a little smile before me and Tyler walked outside and into his car.

"Are you alright?" Tyler asked me for the millionth time.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said a little annoyed.

"Then tell me what happened back there? What's the torture room?" I laughed dryly.

"It's exactly what the name implies. That's where you go if you've be a 'bad girl'." I said not sounding like myself. It was almost like I was someone else, a much darker version of myself. "Daddy, would have tools hanging from his wall down in the basement to scare you while he chained you to the wall. There was a spike belt, a knife, a flame thrower, a lighter, a brand in the shapes of S, B, W, A. I only got that once when my father saw me walking with my friend who happened to be a boy. He grabbed me by the hair chained me to the wall and made me watch as he heated up the S until it was a bright red, and he stuck it to my side. Telling me that now and forever I would be branded as a Slut."

"Kristine, stop it."

"He told me that's what I deserved for being what I was."

"Kristine, you are not there anymore, stop!"

"I guess I deserved it." I continued on and suddenly the car came to a jolting stop and my body was thrown forward and then pushed back into the seat thanks to my seatbelt.

"You listen to me, Kristine Anne Winchester, you are not in that house anymore, you are with me. You will never have to go back to the torture room because I won't allow it. You are safe, so safe. You will never leave my sight, do you understand." After he was done I began crying and sobbing hard.

"Tyler, what's wrong with me!" I cried out into my hands.

"Nothing baby, nothing at all, you are just a little scared, but you don't have to be because nothing is going to happen to you."

"You can't protect me forever." I whispered, and I heard him sigh angrily.

"Says who? The sperm donor you call a father? Kristine, I am going to protect you, don't ever forget that." I nodded and was about to hug him when there was a knock at my car window. I let out a little scream before I saw that it was a police officer.

"Breathe Kristine, breathe." I rolled down my window as Tyler soothed me."Mr. Brolin, Miss Winchester is there a problem?" The officer asked with concern.

"No sir, just a little car sick."

"Are you going to be alright?"

"Yes sir." I said with a small smile.

"Okay, and remember we are behind you so you are safe." I nodded and he walked away. I quickly rolled up my window and we continued down the road.

"That was a close one."

"Don't worry they don't suspect anything, and he's a friend."

"Is there anyboody in this town who you aren't friends with?" He looked at me and smiled.

"Do you really want to know the answer to that?"

"I guess not." I laughed and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"There's that pretty smile." I rolled my eyes as we pulled into the driveway of his house.

"Why are we here?"

"Don't you want to be here?" He asked with a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Of course, this is my home."

"Well, tonight you and me with stay at our home." My smile grew bigger.

"I love you."

"I love you too now come on it's cold out here." We got out of the car and began walking to the house, but I stopped and looked at the police car sitting in the driveway.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked behind me.

"Well, do they want to come in, I mean it's cold out here."

"I know, but it's there job to stay out here." I nodded and waved to the police car before running in with Tyler.

"You want to watch a movie?" I nodded and let out a yawn. "Or are you ready for bed?"

"No, I want to watch a movie with you." He smiled and took my hand and dragged me to the living room. I sat on the couch while he put in a movie. I closed my eyes and felt a arm go around my shoulders. "

"You sure you don't want to go to bed?" I opened my eyes and nodded.

"I'm too relaxed to move now." I heard him chuckle and I layed my head on his chest. I caught the begining of some movie before I let the darkness take me.

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