Chapter Ten . . . Better Off Dead

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Chapter Ten . . . Better Off Dead

Kristine's POV

"Mommy?" Tyler whispered and I pulled away from him.

"Tyler I can explain." He wasn't looking at me anymore but what was behind me.

"Are you leaving?" He asked. The man was more worried about why I was leaving then why Sierra had called me mommy? Why?

"Uh, yeah." I answered as I picked up a screaming Austen.

Tyler looked at Austen then to me. "I think we need to talk."  I nodded and walked over to Sierra.

"Sierra, mommy has to talk to her friend about some things can you stay here and be a big girl." Sierra looked up at Tyler and with a big smile she waved to him. I heard a deep chuckle and turned around to see Tyler laughing and waving back. It actually warmed my heart.

Tyler and I walked into the kitchen with a screaming Austen in my hands. He was hungry. I made my way over to the refridgerator and grabbed a bottle and put it into the microwave to heat up. "Come on Austen." I said as I began swaying him back and fourth, but to be honest it was taking a toll on my body.

"Here." Tyler said and took my baby out of my arms.

"Uh, you really don't have to do that." I said feeling panicked about what he'd do about my baby.

"Nonsense, clearly you are in pain. You need to go sit down."


"Go Kristine." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the kitchen table.

"You know you sound a lot like my teacher."

"Ha, Ha, Ha." He said before going over to the microwave and took the bottle out and popped it into Austen's mouth.

I tried to sit down but no matter what way I sat it would still cause a lot of pain. "OW!" I said quietly with a gasp and instantly Tyler was at my side helping me down.

"Kristine, who did this to you?"

"I can't tell you."

"Yesterday your dad got you and then . . . Wait isn't your dad dead?" I bit my lip and played with my hands.

"He's dead to me." I whispered and Tyler left the room. That's it he's tired of my problems, it's too much for him. Hell it's too much for me, but what suprised me was when he walked back in and pulled me into his arms.

"Tyler why do you care? I'm worthless, I'm nothing but a punching bag!"

"No, you are not. Kristine, you are beautful and incredible." He tried to make me feel better but it didn't work. I pushed him away and took off my shirt leaving me in a sports bra showing off all my bruises.

"Look at me Tyler? This is beautiful?" He shook his head with what looked like disgust and picked up my shirt and threw it at me.

"Put it back on." He ordered and I did.

"So, you're just going to leave with two kids, and no money?" He said all the things I already knew.

"What else can I do, Tyler? He found me, he will kill me and I don't even know what he will do to the kids!" I walked into the living room with anger and he followed right behind. He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him I instantly cried out in pain.

"I'm sorry, but you can't leave."

"Why not?"

"I - well there are people here who love you. Plus where are you going to live in a cardboard box?"

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