Chapter twenty-three . . . Just A Dream

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Chapter twenty-three . . . Just A Dream

"YOU LITTLE BITCH WAIT UNITL I FIND YOU!" I was in my old house hiding in the basement, my father was after me and he had a gun. It was dark so very dark when suddenly a pair of hands grabbed me by arms I tried to scream but no sound came out. "Surprise." The voice whispered in my ear and I looked to find the man to be Tyler. He was smiling so happily like nothing at all was wrong.

"Tyler?" I asked in a whisper and suddenly the scenery changed from a dark black room to a beautiful meadow.

"It's okay." He said with that beautiful smile on his face, he wiped away the tears that were falling. "I love you." He whispered to me and he leaned in to kiss me.


The noise made me jump back and suddenly Tyler was laying on the ground bleeding. "TYLER!" I screamed. Then I realized there were two gunshots. I looked down and I was bleeding from the stomach.

"I told you I would find you." I whipped my head up and saw my father with a gun and a smile that only the devil himself could wear.

I felt myself falling, and falling into a black hole. I closed my eyes and screamed before suddenly hitting the ground. I opened my eyes and found myself lying in my own cold sweat on the ground of Tyler's living room. I rolled to my back and groaned. I guess it was just a dream.

I leaned up on my elbows to see Tyler snoring on the couch loudly. I got up off the floor and kissed his head and cheeks gently so I wouldn't wake him up. I was so happy that it was just a dream, that my Tyler was still alive. I wouldn't know what to do if the dream would have been real. I layed my head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his wonderful manly scent.

"You know not many men wake up like this." I heard him whisper.

"I'm sorry. I just had a nightmare and I couldn't-" Tyler put me in his lap and looked at me.

"It's okay, never be sorry." He wiped my sweaty hair off my face and smiled. "You want to come to bed. I'll stay with you." I nodded.

"I need a shower first." I said and hopped off his lap. "Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked.

"Of course, you know where they are." He winked.

"I'll see you in the bedroom." I said and instantly wanted to take back my words.

"Only if you promise, hotstuff." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Keep that up and you'll be sleeping by yourself." I teased and he stuck out his lower lip acting like a puppy wanting a treat. I laughed and hopped back in his lap giving him a nice long kiss. He moaned and put his hand up my shirt and to my stomach and eventually around my back where he started rubbing little circles.

"Tyler, I need to shower." I moaned against his lips and felt him smile before he pulled away.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked and I felt confused for a little bit then I realized what he was up to. I slapped his chest.

"Hey, hotstuff that hurt." I laughed and pecked his cheek.

"I need to shower, you go to bed and I'll meet you there."

"Yes ma'am." I rolled my eyes and walked to his room where I grabbed a pair of boxers and a baggy t-shirt with a green latnern symbol on it, what a nerd. I walked into the connecting bathroom and set my clothes on the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. God, did I look scary. My skin was pale and beads of sweat covered it. My eyes had dark circles around them and my lips were swollen and red from Tyler's kiss. That boy, what was I going to do with him.

I sighed and leaned down to splash could water on my face. I picked my head up from the sink and grabbed a towel to wipe the water from my face. I looked in the mirror and gasped as I saw the shower curtain move.

Someone was in the bathroom with me.

I slowly put down the towel I had gripped in my hands, and slowly turned around and walked towards the shower. It was like being in one of the scary movies where the idiot girl goes towards the scary noise and the monster eats her. In this case, I was the idiot girl who was going to get eaten.

Anyway, I put my hand on the curtain and quickly opened it. Expecting to find someone in the shower I jumped back and cowered away from the shower, but suprisingly there was no monster or demon or anything. The shower was empty. I started laughing. I guess the dream really scared the crap out of me.

Suddenly, the bathroom door shut and a hand went around my mouth and a knife went to my throat. "You scream, you die. Got it?" I nodded carefully making sure I didn't cut my neck. "Now, this is what's going to happen, we are going to go around back, you are going to get my car and not make a sound, do you understand." I didn't say anything and my father ran his fingers through my hair.

"Good, now let's go." We began walking down some steps and as we got closer to the living room the knife got closer to my neck. Where was Tyler? Was he alive?

We got into the living room and I saw Tyler laying on the couch with his head layed back and his mouth open. He wasn't snoring like he was before, I couldn't even tell if he was breathing.

It didn't matter though, my father had me and he was going to kill me. He continued to drag me out back where I spotted the police car. Maybe they would help me. I began screaming around my father's hand.

"Shut up." He whispered angrily and smacked me. I whimpered and put all my weight making it harder for him to carry me. "Stop it!" He finally yelled and the lights of the police car flashed. "Great, look what you made me do."

"Don't worry Uncle, it's taken care of." A familiar voice yelled and I knew who it was but I couldn't see the face. I bit down on my fathers hand and he jerked it away.

"Let me go!" I yelled. "TYLER, TYLER!" I screamed and was punched in the head, hard, making the world around me spin.

"She was always a spicy one." The familar voice said with a chuckle. I focused my eyes on the person. It was Jackson.


Tyler P.O.V

The sound of a door shutting woke me up from my peaceful sleep. "Kristine." I whispered and go up from the couch and ran upstairs to my bedroom. "Kristine, honey, you in here?" I went into the connecting bathroom. My clothes were sprawled out on the sink, the shower cutrain was wide open, but there was no sign of Kristine.

"Let me go! TYLER, TYLER!" I heard screaming and I instantly ran downstairs and out the door, but  the sound of squealing tires made me realize that I was too late. They took her. They took Kristine. I looked around and caught sight of the police car. Why weren't they helping.

I ran as fast as I could to the car and opened up the car door. Both police officers were knocked out from what looked like a hard hit to the head. "Damn!"  I yelled.

"Officer Reeds, do you copy? I repeat Officer Reeds do you copy?" I heard coming from the radio. I grabbed the radio's microphone with a shaky hand.

"This is Tyler Brolin, they took Kristine Winchester. I repeat they took Kristine Winchester. Both officers are passed out. I'm requesting backup." I pretty much yelled into the microphone.

"Back up on their way, please stay where you are." I hung up the microphone and ran for my car. I hopped in and started it up. "I'm coming Kristine."

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