Chapter Twenty-One . . . The Return Of Jackson

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Chapter Twenty One . . . The Return Of Jackson

"Let's talk, shall we." Carrie announced as I, Tina, Carrie, and Jessica were sitting in Tina's house in silence.

Tyler had just dropped me off at the house after we hit the police station and then the hospital. I had to go to the hospital so doctors could check me for internal bleeding and evidence of past broken bones and they found a lot of those. The police then made me strip out of all my clothing except for my bra and underwear and took pictures of me. I felt like I was at home again because I felt so embarrassed.

"Okay, let's talk." Tina said happily, "Okay, how about you start Kristine." I was in the middle of drinking coffee when Tina added that. I looked at her wide eyed and slowly took the cup away from my lips.

"About what?" I asked.

"Oh come on Kristine, what did the police say?" I looked around at the messy room from the kids. There was toys everywhere. Luckily they were all in bed right now and didn't have to hear about this.

"I-uh- well, I -" I didn't want to talk about this. "Look at this room!" I said changing the subject like a mad person, and quickly jumped out of my seat and started picking up all the toys.

"Kristine! Come on girl. Sit down and relax." Carrie said and took all of the toys out of my hands and threw them back on the floor where they orginally were before pushing me back in my seat.

"Come on Kristine, we are waiting." Tina said and I looked down at my hands.

"They made me go to the hospital and they took pictures." I said with a shrug.

"Pictures of what?" Jessica asked confused.

"My scars on my body." Each girl looked over my body.

"We don't see any scars." Carrie said confused.

"That's because they are . . . under my clothes." I said slowly and looked up at them, each had different looks on their faces.

"They made you take off your clothes?" I nodded and once again the room was silent.

"Well yeah." I said in a 'duh' voice.

"That's horrible!" Carrie yelled.

"I know, but that wasn't even the worst part! The police just didn't seem to care!"


"Alright Miss Winchester, stip down to your underwear for me." That's what the police man said, the one who kept looking me over the whole time like I was a piece of meat.

I ignored it though. He was a cop he was here to help me not hurt me, but I did wish that Tyler was with me.

Anyway I stripped down to my bra and panties while the police pulled out a camera. "Wait, you are going to take pictures?" I asked in a whisper.

"Well, yeah the judge needs to see this for your court date." He said and began taking pictures, the whole time I had my head down, my hair was covering my face from the tears and the shame. He made me turn around so he got each scar and bruises that were taking a while to heal.

"Your done Miss Winchester." The police officer said and I quickly got my clothes on. I  was quickly heading out the door and to my Tyler when I heard the officer clear his throat and say my name.

"Miss Winchester, here" He handed me a white card with a number on it, "don't be afraid to call." He said with a wink and I shook my head and ran out the door and at the same time throwing the card on the ground.

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