Chapter Twenty Four . . . Days, weeks, months

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Chapter Twenty-Four . . .  Days, Weeks, Months

Kristine's P.O.V.

(3 Days Later)

Bruised, broken, naked, and ashamed. That's how my father and Jackson made me felt. Yes I said Jackson. That bastard who I trusted just for a moment, the one who Tyler told me not to listen to. I trusted, I was a fool an idiot and I was now suffering from it.

"Well baby girl I really hope you are enjoying the fun." My father laughed. They decided to leave me in this dark basement for a few days to weaken me by starving me and not giving me water. To be honest, it was working. My body felt limp and weak almost like there were a ton of bricks laying on my shoulders and legs.

"You really are a sick bastard you know that." I said and loudly, finally for once I was standing up to my father. He walked over to me with a smile on his sick demented face and punched me in the stomach making me fall to the ground. "Yep, sick bastard." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Jackson, how about giving me a hand." Suddenly I was being picked up.

"Come on Jackson, let me go!" I yelled but he only laughed as he tied my wrists tightly with chains.

"Sorry no can do." He walked away from me only to go to another set of chains. He pulled on them and I was lifted into the air hanging by chains that were unbelievably tight on my wrists.

"Alright Kristine, now the fun can really begin." My father said while he picked up something long and shiny. It was a knife.

I wiggled and jerked trying to get away from him but I wasn't going anywhere. "D-daddy please don't." I begged when he came close enough that I could see myself in the blade of the knife. For a moment he stopped and stared at me. "Daddy, please I am begging you. I promise I'll be good." His shocked and almost kind face turned into the face of a sadistic serial killer.

"You know I haven't heard you call me daddy in a long time. Say it again."


"I said say it again!" He yelled making even Jackson jump.

"No!" I yelled back and sliced the blade across my stomach in a quick motion. I felt the warm blood run down my belly and then heard it hit the floor.

"I said say it!"

"No, screw you." My father sighed and dropped the knife to the ground.

"You know, you would never talk to me like that before, what has changed? That boyfriend of yours?" My head quickly shot up.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I lied.

"Then who else would've been stupid enough to take you in? You'd have to be screwing him. Why else would he take in a bitch and her two kids? One, being mine."

"She was never yours!" I yelled and he smacked me across the face. I felt blood fall from my lip.

"Don't talk to me like that! YOU KNOW BETTER!" He hit me again this time in my jaw cracked. "God, you are so stupid you know that!" He said with disgust before he turned to a table of tools and grabbed something else, this time a wooden baseball bat.

"Who's your boyfriend Kristine, what's his name?"

"I don't have a damn boyfriend!" He smiled at my anger and swung the bat, it connected at my ribs. I screamed over his laughter and the sound of a rib breaking.

"Come on Kristine, who took you in, who was that guy laying on the couch."

"Why does it matter?" I asked while blood fell from my mouth.

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