Chapter Eleven . . . What Now

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Chapter Eleven . . . What Now

If dreams were real I'd probably of die years ago, but thankfully it was nothing but your selfconsicounse telling you something, and mine was telling me I was in a lot of trouble.

For once I wasn't dreaming about my dad finding me and killing me, but instead I was dreaming about Tyler, but it wasn't those sweet dreams where he tells me he loves me. No, it was about him getting put in jail because we were living together.

I woke up in a cold sweat, alone, and began to cry what was I getting Tyler into. Could he actually be put in to jail because of me? I mean it wasn't like we were sleeping together but we did kiss every now and then and I know for a fact that could get him in serious trouble considering the fact that I was his student. His student! For God's sakes what was I doing here.

I quickly got out of bed and threw on a pair of silky shorts I found. I was going to tell Tyler that we couldn't stay here any longer and that I was leaving this town  A.S.A.P

I made my way out of the bedroom, down the hall, and down the steps to the living room. Where I stopped myself at what I had found.

Austen was by the couch in a pink swing that clearly was not mine, and Tyler and Sierra were on the couch watching Mickey Mouse while drawing pictures.

"Who's that?" Sierra asked excitedly making Tyler laugh.

"Well, that's your mommy. Isn't she beautiful?" My heart began to melt. God he was amazing. Between taking care of my kids while I slept, and calling me beautiful after everything I've told him I think I was falling for him and hard.

"Yeah! Do you want to see my picture of mommy?"

"Of course." I heard the shuffle of papers.

"Here it is!" Sierra cheered.

"Oh wow, this is great, but are those tears?"

"Yeah, mommy always looks sad, and when we go to sleep sometimes she cries. I think she's scared of the boggey man." How did she know so much? How did she know that I was sad and that sometimes my nightmares make me cry? Was she really paying attention to me that closely? God, I was a screw up!

"The boogey man?"

"Yeah, he was at my old house and he hurt Mommy, but when Austen was in Mommy's belly the boogey man pushed mommy down stairs!" She had a look of horror on her face and Tyler just looked sad. How the hell had this girl remember so much.

"Twer, are you my new daddy?" Okay, interruption time.

"Well good morning!" I announced as I walked into the room.

"Mommy!" Sierra yelled and ran to me. I picked her up in my arms with a wince and manager not to utter a cry of pain.

"Well good afternoon beautiful." Tyler said and walked over to us.

"Wait afternoon?"

"Yeah it's twelve thirty."

"Crap! What about school and work!"

"Mommy, I don't have school." Sierra said an I looked at her confused.

"Kristine, it's Saturday." I sighed in relief.

"Good." I put Sierra down.

"Did you eat honey?"

"Yeah! Twer made pancakes shaped like dinosaurs!" I looked at Tyler with a raised eyebrow.

"Dinosaur pancakes?" I questioned. He just shrugged and took my hand.

"There's some for you too." He pulled me into the kitchen and pulled out a plate full of pancakes, sausage, bacon, and eggs.

"I usually don't eat breakfast." I confessed feeling a little guilty.

"You will now, you need to eat."

"Yeah, but you are going to make me fat!"

"Impossible. Now you're going to eat even if I have to feed you myself." He said and put the plate on the table.

I quickly ran over to him and hugged him, and he hugged me back. "Thank you." I whispered before leaning up and kissing him. It wasn't quick like last nights kiss, but it was slow and was like he wanted to know every inch of my mouth and what part pleased me the most.

He picked me up and put me on the counter where he moved his lips from my mouth to my neck. God, did he feel good. "You are so beautiful." He whispered and found my sweet spot making me arch my back in pleasure.

"Tyler . . . Oh God." I moaned. "We . . . uh  . . . need to talk ahh . . . ." He lightly nibbled on my neck making me quietly scream.

"About what?" He mumbled around my neck.

"Us . . . and a . . . ummm . . . school." He pulled his mouth away and looked me in the eye. I saw lust and sexy darkness.

"You're right," He put his hands on the outside of both my legs and stood in between them. "It's going to be difficult. Clearly I can't keep my hands off of you for two seconds." He shot me a smartass grin and I smacked his shoulder playfully. "Hey!" He pouted.

"Well, you deserved it. Now, continue." I smiled.

"Anyway, I'm going to have to quit my job and -"

"No way." I interrupted. I would feel so guilty if he quit his job because clearly he loved it and I wasn't going to take it away from him. "I'll drop out of your class."

"Hell no. This is your education, I can find a job, but you can't get another class. You would end up with not enough credits to graduate."

"Well I'm not going to let you quit and  you are not going to let me drop the class, so I guess we're just stuck with each other."

"Hmm . . . I guess so." He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

"Uh, Hello!" A voice shouted and we both quickly pulled away. I instantly tensed up with fear and Tyler put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, it's my sister. Come on." He helped me off the counter and pulled me into the living room where a young woman with dark hair and blue eyes was standing there with a young girl in her arms.

"You must be Kristine, I'm Jessica! Tyler's sister!"

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