Epilogue . . . The End?

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Epilogue . . . The End

Kristine P.O.V

"Alright so Elf, or The Little Mermaid?" I said holding up to movies in front of Tyler and Sierra.

"The Little Mermaid!" Sierra yelled.

"Elf!" Tyler yelled, and I shook my head. I was in love with a complete child.

"Daddy! I want to watch the Little Mermaid!" She said jumping on his lap.

"Well Daddy wants to watch Elf." He said putting in his fight.

"Okay enough you two." The both became silent and stared at me in question. "We will let Austen decided." I said and pointed to my little man who was plyaing with blocks. I walked over to him and bent down so that I was at eye level. "Alright honey, what movie do you want too watch?" He looked at me like he didn't have a clue about what I was saying, but his eyes lightened up as I showed him both movie boxes.

"Come on little man choose Elf." I turned my head and saw Tyler kneeling behind me cheering him on. Sierra then pushed daddy out of the way and smiled.

"Baby choose mermaid she's pretty like mommy." I laughed and turned back to Austen who already had his chubby hands on the Little Mermaid box." I gave him a kiss on his chubby cheeks and held up the DVD box. "The boy has spoken and he chose the Little Mermaid." I said in a deep voice like the ones you see on the 300 movie.

"Yay!" Sierra cheered and sat on the couch.

"Oh come on man! Us dudes gotta stick together." Tyler whined before picking up Austen and kissing his cheeks. I rolled my eyes.

"Honey, I hate to break this to you but he's only a baby."

"Oh, I know, but already at a young age he's betraying me." I laughed and kissed Tyler then Austen's cheeks. He instantly reached for me. "See!" Tyler cried while handing Austen to me, "He's already on your side."

"And he should be I held him in my stomach for nine months while he made me fat, and pushed on my bladder until it was about to explode." I said sticking my tongue out at Tyler then I looked at Austen. "And it was all worth it." I whispered to Austen.

"Mommy, put the movie in." Sierra whined and I rushed to the DVD player.

"I'm going, I'm going." i said laughing.

"I'll be right back." Tyler said and headed to the kitchen. I shrugged it off and put the movie in then sat on the couch by Sierra with Austen in my lap. The movie started and I watched Sierra zone into the movie almost like she was in the Mermaid world.

The begining of the movie started and I heard a loud crash from the kitchen. "Uh, Tyler?" I called and got nervous.

"Yeah, babe hold on one second!" He yelled back making me sigh in relief. Even though my father was locked up in jail there was always that fear deep down that someone would come after us. I know it sounded stupid and paranoid but I couldn't help it. Years of abuse makes you like that.

Tyler walked in to the living room making me come out of thought. I noticed that he had a tray in his hands.

"What's that?" He only smiled as he handed a bowl to Sierra whose eyes brightened up.

"Thank you daddy! Mommy, daddy got me ice cream!" I laughed and touched her cheek.

Tyler sat on the other side of me with a bowl in his hands, and he propped his feet up on the table trying to enjoy the movie.

"Hey where's mine?" I asked and he shrugged. I made a pouting face and put my bottom lip out. He only smiled and evil, teasing grin.

He took a spoon full of ice cream and held it to my lips. I rolled my eyes but opened my mouth anyways. I swallowed and gave Tyler a look.

"What?" He asked like nothing was wrong.

"You planned that all out didn't you?" I asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" He said trying to act innocent, but I can see the smile on his face no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

"Mhm." I said shaking my eyes and turning my attention back to the movie.

"Fine, more for me then." He said and began eating the ice cream.

"Tyler." I whined playfully and nudged him with my elbow.

"I thought you didn't want any?" I smiled and opened my mouth to him. He laughed and gave me another scoop. We both giggled as it dribbled down my chin.

"Mommy, daddy, shh."

"Okay sorry." I said while Tyler put his hands in surrender.

After a couple minutes of the movie Austen fell asleep on my lap and Sierra fell asleep on the couch along with Sierra. I sighed, I was tired myself.

I got up with a yawn and carried Austen to his room and place him in his crib and placing a kiss on his head, I then returned for Sierra and did the exact same thing with her. I finally returned one last time for the man who was drooling and snoring on the couch.

I kissed his cheek and lightly tapped him, making him wake up slightly. "Is the movie over?" He whispered tiredly.

"Yeah Ty, the movie is over, let's go to bed." He nodded and I helped him off the couch. Then he asked a question that really warmed my heart. "Where are the kids?" It may seem dumb to you, but to me it was one of the greatest questions in the whole world. Tyler was tired and completely out of it, but yet he still remembered the kids.

"They are in bed." He yawned.

"You should of woke me I would of carried them." I held his hand as we walked up the steps.

"It's okay I got it." He nodded and we walked to the bedroom. I helped Tyler over to the bed and he layed down. I covered him up before going to my side.

As soon as I got comfortable Tyler wrapped his arms aroud me and I buried myself into his chest. "I love you sexy." He whispered before a slight snore fell from his lips.

"I love you too." I whispered and snuggled closer into his warmth.

I now had everything I needed, a home, a boyfriend, a loving family, and peace. Something I haven't felt since my mother was alive, and even then it was just a little bit of love compared to what Tyler, his family, and the kids have given me, but that doesn't stop the memories of my mom still flooded my mind. I alway wonder what she would think about Tyler and him being my teacher, if she would love and treat Sierra like I do, and what she thinks of her grandson who is turning out to be exactly like Tyler which is a good and bad thing.

Suddenly a cool breeze blew past me making me shiver slightly then I heard a voice like the one I heard when I ran away from my dad. It was a soft whisper that said, "I love you." I smiled know exactly who that voice belonged to.

"I love you too mom." I whispered back with tears in my eyes.

To get to the happiness I am at today was a tough a long journey. One that I would forever be scarred with, but it would be my scars, the one who made me the girl I am today. People wouldn't understand, hell Tyler probably wouldn't understand at times, but that's okay because it didn't matter. They were secret, my secrets, but to people who didn't know me they were just secrets of a school girl.

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