Chapter Eighteen . . . Lover's Spat

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Chapter Eighteen .  . .Lover's Spat

This morning wasn't the greatest. Tyler and I have been arguing all damn morning. He wanted me to stay home from school because of my 'injury', and when I told him I was okay and that I was used to this kind of thing. I should of just kept mouth shut because he was angry. Now, he didn't yell or throw a fit, he more or less turned a bright red color and was silent all the way to school.

To make things worse Carrie wasn't talking to me, and now was the time I needed a friend to talk to, but she totally ignored me. I had no one to talk to and now realized that I was alone.

My morning classes went by quickly, and to be honest I had no idea of what happened or what we learned about. I didn't really care. All I cared about was getting out of this school to see my babies and to take a long nap.

Lunch rolled around and I decided not to go to Tyler's classroom and eat, and since Carrie wasn't talking to me I didn't think sitting with her would be a good idea either. So, I walked outside in the chilly weather and found an apple tree. I sat under it and closed my eyes and took in the smell of the fresh air.

"Uh . . . Are you sleeping?" I jumped at the unfamiliar voice and looked up to find a man dressed in jeans and a zipped leather jacket. His hair was dark and long, and his eyes were dark. He just screamed danger.

"No, I'm sorry." I began to pick up my bag but he put his hand on me to stop me. I instantly jumped and pulled away from him.

"What's there to be sorry for?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. He really reminded me of Tyler.

"Well, clearly I'm in your spot." He started to chuckle. "What's so funny?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Well," He started and sat next to me. "I'm new here, and you act like you owe me something already."

"Oh." I said and pushed the hair out of my face feeling a bit awkward. "Well, I'm Kristine."

"I'm Jackson. Nice to meet you. Now I have a question for you, why is such a beautiful girl like yourself sitting out here by yourself."

"Well, me and my boyfriend are arguing, and my best friend hates me right now."


"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, sorry." He smiled sadly and looked at his schedule. "You think you could help me?" I nodded and took his schedule. We had our last class together with Tyler. This was going to be great.

"Um . . . well our last class is together, so I'll just walk you there."

"That will be great! Let's go!" We got up and started walking. He grabbed my hand and I quickly pulled it away.

"Please, don't." He nodded and put and arm around my shoulders and yet again I shrugged him off. "Listen, you either stop touching me or you can get to class all by yourself." A cold wind blew by us almost like it was warning me.

"Whatever, stupid bitch." He said and pushed me to the ground. I fell hard with a thump. Pain shot through my wrists.

"Crap!" I yelled and sat up.

"Kristine!" I heard Carrie yell and when I looked up she was running towards me with her high heels in her hand. "Are you okay." She asked gasping.

"Yeah I'm fine." I stood up and wiped the dirt the was on my jeans.

"Who was that guy?"

"His name was Jackson, he's new here. He was talking to me, and ask me for help finding his classes. His last class was with Tyler and me, so I offered to show him around. He started touching me and . . ." She hugged me and I stopped talking.

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