Chapter Twenty-Seven . . . Bring Her to Life

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Chapter Twenty - Seven . . .  Bring Her To Life

Tyler's P.O.V

I don't think I've ever been in so much pain in my life. My heart was breaking into a million pieces as I ran with Kristine. There was so much blood, I thought for sure that she had none left.

"Kristine, baby, please wake up. Please." I cried as we ran in the hospital.

"We need to go." A paramedic said as he took her to another room with an oxygen mask over her face. I tried to follow, but was stopped by a nurse.

"Sir, you can't go in there."

"But I have to!"

"I'm sorry, but you can't." I tried to push through but two big male nurses came in and shoved me out of the room.

"Kristine!" I yelled as I saw them doing CPR on her. They were shoving me out into the waiting room and forced me into a seat.

I put my bloody hands on my face. "Tyler!" I heard someone yell my name. I picked up my head and saw Jessica and Carrie running towards me. Carrie had tears streaming down her face while Jess just looked angry.

"What happened?" Jessica asked and when I didn't answer she began shaking me hard. "Tyler, snap out of it."

"Her dad and Jackson they did horrible things to her. Then . . . then . . ." I trailed off in shock of the memory.

"Tyler come on, where is Kristine?"

"Is she okay?" Carrie asked and sniffled and I just shook my head. Carrie fell to the ground with sobs shaking her body.

"Where is she Ty?" Jess repeated.

"She is in surgery or something, she was stabbed." That only made Carrie sob ten times harder. "I was suppose to protect her Jess, and look what happened." I picked my head up and finally looked at her. I heard her gasp.

"Is that yours?" She asked motioning to the blood. I shook my head.

"It's hers." I whispered.

"Come on." She took my arm and dragged me to the bathroom. "Clean up Tyler, she's going to need you when she wakes up." Jess said trying to make me feel better but it didn't work. I walked in anyway and flipped on the bright light. I looked in the mirror and I myself gasped at my own image. I was covered in so much blood, and I shuddered knowing that it wasn't my own. I began scrubbing the the blood from my hands first then my face, and I watched as the now red water go deep into the drain. I didn't know if it was from the sight of blood or the shock but I fell to the ground and I cried. I was going to lose her, all because of that bastard father of hers.

A knock at the bathroom door made me wipe my tears and pretend to be strong. I opened the door and saw officer standing around me with their hats off.

"What is it?" I asked scared of what they were coming to tell me.

"We would like to apologize, but -"

"Is she dead?" I asked cutting him off. "IS SHE DEAD!" I yelled when they didn't answer me.

"Sir, calm down, we don't know her state of condition, we were apologizing because we just found out that paramedics also brought Mr.Winchester here by mistake." My eyes widened and I began seeing red, I was going to kill the bastard.

"What do you mean he's at this hospital? What stupid mother fucking idiot would bring her asshole father with her!" I yelled ten times louder than before and people began staring, but I didn't care. My heart was becoming cold with hatred.

"The situation is being taken care of."

"How?" I snarled at the police officer.

"He's handcuffed to the bed, and he is unaware that she's here." I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Whatever, but you better make sure you don't mess this up." The sounds of heels clicking had me turning away from the police officers and to my sister who had tears in her eyes.

"What is it?" When Jessica didn't say anything I shook her shoulders. "What the hell happened?"

"They are losing her." I ran around Jessica and into the room where Kristine layed lifeless. They were using a machine to kick start her heart but it wasn't working. I pushed them aside and touched her face. "Don't you leave me. You hear me, don't you dare leave me." I whispered so no one else could hear. I still had to act as her teacher for God's sake. "Please, stay alive." Suddenly a loud beeping noise caught our attention.

It was her heartbeat.

"Oh Lord, I don't believe it." One of the nurses said as she grabbed her cross necklace.

"Get him out of here." One of the doctor's ordered as he leaned over Kristine's body. I was being dragged out of the room and sat in a seat next to Carrie who was almost dead to the world, and I didn't blame her.


(3 hours later)

My foot wouldn't stop bouncing, what was taking so long. "Relax, okay." Jessica whispered and touched my arm, but I could barely listen to her and continued to bounce my foot. She only sighed and layed her head back on the chair.

The E.R. doctor came into the room with scrubs on that were covered in blood. Carrie, Jessica, and I stood up and looked at the doctor.

"How is she doctor?" The doctor sighed and took off his cap.

"We have her stabilized, but from the trauma she has endured I'm afraid she has fallen into a coma."

"But she was fine before the stab wound." The doctor nodded at what I was saying as if taking it all in.

"Her body was going into overload with all the abuse she had taken. We found three broken ribs, third degree burns, and much more that I cannot even explain. The stab wound was the icing on the cake. Her mind couldn't take it anymore so it went into out like a light bulb."

"Is she going to wake up?" It took a moment but finally the doctor answered.

"We don't know."

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