Chapter Seven . . . So Screwed Up

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Chapter Seven . . . So Screwed Up

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think, and I sure as hell couldn't move. I was frozen in place which was in the middle of the hallway where students were trying to get through.

"Kristine?" Carrie began shaking my shoulders, and I gently pushed her off me.

"What the hell am I going to do. Tyler is my teacher!"

"Well, start by breathing." I thought about killing Carrie at that moment by I realized that would only bring more attention in my direction. "Here." She said and began taking off her black hoodie. "Put this on and make sure to cover your face." I quickly grabbed the hoodie off of her and put it on and the hood up.

"Carrie, I'm scared Tyler and I can get in big trouble for this." Oh and we could also trigger old memories and he could possibly find out my secret and than I would be totally screwed.

"You won't get in trouble, I got your back. I also hate to bust you but you got exactly one minute to get to class or your going to be late, so go." She shoved me towards the door. I caught myself and saw Tyler looking at me. I instantly put my head down and my hands in my pocket.

"Miss, are you alright?" He asked and his voice brought warmth and tingles through my whole body. I shook off the feeling and put up a hand. I half sprinted to the back of the room and to a computer.

"Well class," I heard Tyler announce and a door shut. Damn! "fortunately for you and me it is the last class of the day, and I know when the last teacher taught this class it was known as the 'blow off' class, but this year is going to be a little different." There were groans from the students but Tyler only laughed. "My name is Mr.Brolin and I am your creative writing teacher, are there any questions?"

Only one girl raised her hand and she was known as the school slut. Could this class get any worse?


"Are you single?" The girl twirled her hair around her finger.

"Kind of." Tyler answered. I wanted to slam my head on my desk over and over and over again until I died.

"What do you mean kind of?" Another girl asked.

"Well, that's for another day. Can you hand out these syllabus while I check role?" His hand was suddenly in front of my face holding papers. I quickly took them and started to hand them out to each student.







"Kristine?" I didn't answer and instead handed out more papers.

"Uh Kristine . . . Wi . . . . Winchester?"

"Here." I mumbled, and I looked up to see him staring at me wide eyed.

"Well Kristine no hoods in my class." I sighed and pulled the hood down so everyone could see my face and when I looked back over at Tyler is mouth was in a tight line and his face was kind of red. I was so screwed.

I walked over to Tyler's desk and handed him the extra papers and he took them without saying anything. I hurried back to my seat.

"Well, we are going to start the class off with something really, really simple. Your first assignment is to write your name vertically, and your going to describe yourself and the things you like that start with the letters of your name. Like mine Brolin. B is for beer, r is for red, o is for orange, l is for love (There were a bunch of awes from the girls gag me) i is for indigo, and n is for Nothing but A Good Time which is my favorite song." I smiled. That was my favorite song too. Oh no here comes the feelings.

"Do you guys get the picture?" They all yelled yeah and the bell rang.

"Congratulations you just survived your first day. Class dismissed." Everybody was hurrying out the door and I was trying to follow when I was suddenly grabbed and pulled to the side.

"Miss Winchester I need to talk to you."

"Sorry but I gotta get out of here."

"Well that's too bad." He said and shut and locked the door.

"I can scream you know." I said feeling trapped and panicked. He only sat on his desk looking concerned and amused.

"I'm not going to hurt you and you know that."

I sighed. He was right he would never hurt me, but why did I keep jumping away from him like he was. When we were together I did that too.

"So, when were you going to tell me that you were seventeen?"

"Well, you know you never really asked."

"That's no excuse you should of told me! Do you know how much trouble you could've gotten into?"

"When were you going to tell me you were a teacher?"

"The night you broke up with me. I wanted to tell you that I got this job." Oh.

"I'm sorry Ty-Mr.Brolin I told you that this relationship wasn't going to work for other reasons this just added to it."  I turned to walk out but instead he grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. Are faces were just inches apart.

"You can't do this to me. You can't keep running away without giving me answers. Give me something, please." I closed my eyes and kissed his lips. God, I missed him, and i needed more of him like always. I gripped my hand in his hair and his went to my waiste. God, we were doing it again.

He sat down on a chair and I instantly sat on top of him. "God, I missed you Kristine." I pulled away when he moaned and we pushed our foreheads together.

"You know that should've been simple good by kiss." I whispered and he kissed my lips again.

"What was it, then?" I put both of my hands on his cheeks and looked him in the eyes.

"A mistake." I was about to hop of his lap but he held me still.

"No, it wasn't. You know that it was more. Hell, you kissed me." I ran my fingers through his hair this time and smiled.

"I was the mistake, and I'm sorry." I quickly hopped off his lap and ran out the door and to the parking lot where I realized that Carrie had my car to get the kids. I held on tight to my bag and sprinted till I hit the cafe.

I quickly changed into my work clothes and went to the first table in a daze thinking about my kiss with Tyler. It felt so good and I wanted him back but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't be selfish.

If only my life wasn't so screwed up.

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