Chapter Twenty Eight . . . Don't Cry

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Chapter Twenty Eight . . .  Don't Cry

Tyler's P.O.V

I sat on the chair next to the Kristine's bed. The same seat I have sat in for days. The doctors came in from time to time looked her chart over, checked her vitals, and told me that she was only getting worse. They didn't think she would wake up, but I didn't agree with that, they actually asked me to pull the plug on her, but I refused. She was going to wake up.

"How was work today?" My mother asked. Unfortunately I had to go back to work, it was either that or lose my job, and I know that Kristine wouldn't be too happy if I lost my job.

"Same old, same old. How are the kids?" I asked while I was at work my mother took the kids and watched them for awhile, and then I went home and took care of them. Sierra started calling me daddy. I was so happy I just Kristine was awake to hear it.

"Good, Sierra keeps asking for you though, both of you." She motioned towards Kristine and I nodded.

"Me too."

"Do you . . . Do you think she's going to wake up?" I shot my mother a glance that I had never shown my mother.

"Of course she is, why wouldn't she." I turned to my motionless Kristine, she looked like an angel even with a few bruises that were healing on her face. Her pale skin and her dark hair made her glow like an angel would and I know those eyes would brighten up the world when she smiled.

"I was just thinking, if she doesn't did you decide on what to do with the kids?" I ran my fingers through Kristine's hair and let the silk run between my fingers.

"I don't have custody of them. I don't even know if I will, so if she doesn't wake up then they will go into foster care. Unless, that bastard signs off on them, but I doubt he will." I shook my head. Kristine's father was in this hospital just getting his head wounds checked, the police said something about his rights, but that bastard didn't deserve rights. Once, he found out that Kristine was in the same hospital he tackled a doctor and cop to try to get to her. Fortunately, they gunned him down and he was sent to the nearest prison, and he is locked up with no bail. Jackson, was jailed also, but could bail at $64,000. He couldn't afford it thankfully.

While these men were in jail Kristine was laying here without any sign of life. It killed me deep inside, I felt like I should of been laying with Kristine in that bed because God only knows that I have no life left.

"Is it worth a try?" My mother asked me and I shook my head. I heard her sigh sadly as another doctor came in and went straight to Kristine.

"Any thing new?" I asked as I watched the doctor evaluate Kristine.

"No, I'm sorry." He said and turned back to Kristine. I watched as he checked her tempature, her pupils, and her tubes and I.V's "May, I ask how you know Miss Winchester?" He suddenly asked and it threw me off.

"I'm pretty much all she has now."

"Well, then it 's up to you."

"What's up to me?" I asked leaning towards the doctor.

"You either pull the plug on her or you send her to a hospital that specializes in these cases."

"What do you mean by 'these cases'" My mother asked.

"Well, if miss Winchester wakes up she will have some high brain damage, she will pretty much become a vegetable." I felt my fists tighten at my sides and I realized that I wasn't breathing.

"What do you suggest doctor?" My mother whispered with fear.

"I would probably pull the plug, but like I said, it's not my decision. I'll just let you think about it." The doctor said and left the room, and it became silent.

"Tyler, what do you think would be best for her?" My mother asked finally breaking the silence.

"I don't know, I really don't know." I whispered and felt the tears fall from my eyes. "Can I have a minute alone." She nodded and left the room. Once I heard the door click close I grabbed Kristine's frail hand.

"Kristine, I know you can hear me. You need to wake up now, they are making me make decisions that I need your help with, and what about the kids, do you know Sierra started calling me daddy, and Austen, God Austen, he's getting so big, and a growing boy like that needs his mother. Hell Kristine, right now I need you, I need you more than ever. I don't know how to take care of kids by myself, and I don't know how to live with this emptiness in my heart, so come on and wake up." I watched her and saw no movement, and her no sound except the sound of her heartbeat on the machine. I felt tears fall harder down my face. "Please Kristine." I layed my head on her bed and held her hand close to my head.

Suddenly the heart rate machine started going crazy with the speed of her beating heart. My head snapped up and her eyes were starting to open with fear. He hand gripped mine in death grip.

Doctors and nurses ran into the room pushing me out despite my protest and begging. I tried to run back in but the door was slammed in my face. A hand was pressed to my shoulder and I spun around only to find my mother.

"What happened?" She asked frantically.

"Kristine, she woke up."


Kristine's P.O.V

Darkness, pain, hurt, fear. Those were the things I felt. I knew it wasn't heaven and I knew it wasn't hell, but the place I was at was like an inbetween.

I was in the middle of the woods where trees surrounded me for miles, and I was in a white dress that went down to my ankles. I looked around and knew I wasn't getting out of this one.

"Hello?" I called out and my voice echoed. I kept walking around, my bare feet crunching on leaves that were beneath them, and came across a pond. I bent down and looked at my reflection in the water. Where was I, most importantly who was I? I touched my reflection in the water, almost like it would give me answers, but it didn't. It omly blurred my image. I sighed and sat on the ground and next to the pond.

"Kristine, I need you." A manly, familiar voice said. I quickly turned my head but nothing was around me.

"Hello?" I called

"Please wake up" The voice cried out. Why was it crying, and who was Kristine? Suddenly I felt a wetness on my hand I picked it up to find on little spot of water. The one little sprinkle of water turned into pouring rain, and suddenly memories hit my head like a ton of bricks.

Tyler, the kids, the kidnapping, me being stabbed, everything. I was being dragged through memories I didn't want to relive. I closed my eyes praying the would go away and when I opened them, I was in a hospital room and annoying beeping sound was giving me a headache, I looked to see Tyler crying, it scared me I have never seen him cry. I wanted to tell him not to but I couldn't do to the fact that there was something down my throat making me gag.

Doctors and nurses came in pushing Tyler out of the way. I wanted to tell them to stop but they didn't listen, instead they kept trying to soothe me and make me quiet but it wasn't working. I wanted out of bed.

"Miss Winchester, relax." A doctor said as I tried to wither out of his grip, but I ignored him and continued. "Miss Winchester please." He begged again and I heard him sigh. Suddenly there was a pinching in my arm and I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. Until I was in the darkness.

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