Chapter Thirty-Three . . .They are Mine

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Chapter Thirty-Three . . . She's Mine

(One Week Later)

Kristine's P.O.V

Life has never been better. One week go I said I was free, but nothing compares to this. School is amazing, I brought my grades up majorly, Tyler and I are still keeping our secret well hidden, the kids were getting bigger and Sierra was so happy now that she had her own little family and an actual place to call home. I was happy and free from fear and hate, but there was one thing I still needed

 I woke up in my new bed at Tina's house, since she was my legal guardian Tyler and I decided that it would be safer to stay at her house. Anyway, I woke up and stretched when there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I called and Tina walked in with Sierra holding her hand smiling.

"Good morning mommy." Sierra sang. You could tell that she was so happy.

"Good morning princess." I said and looked at Tina, "she didn't wake you up did she?" 

"No, actually I woke up early and went into her room to check on her and she was coloring quietly." I smiled at my baby girl. "Hows Austen?" I looked over to the crib next to me and saw he was sleeping with his little thumb in his mouth.

"Sleeping like the baby he is."

"Good. Well anyway, I was wondering if I can take the kids out while you are at school. I was thinking about taking them to the park." I smiled.

"Of course that's okay. The kids will love it. I've been wanting to get them out, but haven't had the time." Tina played with Sierra's hair and smiled.

"Great, let's go get you ready." She said to Sierra.

"I can do it!" I yelled as she shut the door completely ignoring me, and waking up Austen who was now crying in his crib. I sighed and got off the bed where I took Austen out of his bed and rocked him. "Come on baby, it's okay." I said and he instantly calmed down.

I grabbed a diaper and layed him gently on the bed and began my work. I almost had the diaper off when I felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Guess who?" I heard the familiar voice asked.

"Hmmmmm . . . could it be Tyler who's here to change the baby's diaper?" The hands that were covering my eyes dropped to my waist and he turned me around so I was facing him.

"Well, you got the first part right." He said with a smile. He looked so handsome in his little suit and then he was wearing his glasses that made him look like a Greek nerdy God. "You're not ready yet?" I looked over at the clock and it said seven o'clock, I had exactly five minutes to get ready.

"Actually, I'm not feeling to good, I think I'm just going to stay home." I said and turned back to Austen, and tickled his stomach.

"Are you okay, do you need to go to a doctor?" He asked and I heard the concern in his voice, it actually broke my heart.

"No, honey I'm fine just feeling a little under the weather." I said and picked up Austen after cleaning him up.

"Kristine you're not uh-" I turned to him and saw that he was red and had a hand through his hair.

"No, I'm not pregnant. I just have a really bad headache." He took Austen from my arms and sighed in relief. I rolled my eyes at him. "Jeez relieved much?"

"No, I'm not relieved." He then looked like he was thinking about it. "Okay I might be a little relieved, but only for you because you are so young, and you already have two children. Don't get me wrong if you were pregnant with my baby I would love it with everything I have like I do with Austen and Sierra but I don't want to rush it."  I smiled and held up a hand.

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