Chapter Thirty One . . . Secrets Revealed

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Chapter Thirty-one . . . Secrets Revealed

"This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy had roast beef, this little piggy had none, and this little piggy cried weeee, weeeeeeee all the way home." I told Sierra and tickled her feet.

"Mommy stop!" She giggled as I heard the front door open and shut. "Dadddddyyyy!" She cheered as Tyler walked into the room followed by Carrie.

"Hi princess." He said and picked her up. "Where's the big guy at?" He asked making me laugh.

"Mommy said that he was as cranky as you so she put him to bed." Tyler looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that so?" She nodded and I layed myself on the floor. So much for keeping secrets in this house. "Well, I'll just have to punish mommy later." He said with a wink making me blush.

"Oh Lord, give me that child before you scar her for life." Carrie said while taking Sierra from Tyler.

"How was school?" I asked. Carrie groaned and Tyler rolled his eyes. "That bad huh?"

"Well first, I had this douche of a teacher give me a test and so much homework." I eyed Tyler up while he stood there with a grin.

"Well, that douche of a teacher wouldn't give you a test if you and your classmates would shut the hell up for five seconds." I giggled and rolled on my stomach to watch the show.

"Well as I was trying to explain to that douche teacher," She turned to me, "who's nickname is now Mr. Dickhead," I laughed when she turned back to Tyler. "I was not the one talking, actually the class was kind of silent, it was the stupid news reporters making all the noise."

"What news reporters?" Tyler sighed.

"Nice going Carrie." She shrugged her shoulders and tickled Sierra.

"What news reporters?" I repeated. Tyler walked around me and turned on the TV. The news was on and it showed a dark skin woman, with dark eyes smiling on the TV.

"In other news today we met up with the students that attend school with Kristine Winchester, the woman who was brutally tortured by her father for years." The screen shot to some of the students I knew.

"Kristine is one of my close friends, I wish that she would of came to me when the beatings began, but she didn't so now I'm here to comfort her. We've talked many times on the phone but most of the times she keeps crying." I raised my eyebrow at a girl who was in my History class, but unfortunately since we were close friends I had no idea what her name was. "We love you and miss you Kristine!" She smiled big and waved at the camera.

The screen than shot to another girl who was wearing a cheer leading uniform. "Yeah, well Krista and myself have always been close. I just don't understand who would do this to a nice sweet girl like Krista." I heard the reporter clear her throat.

"Uh ma'am, it's Kristine."

"Oh well-that's-uh, my nickname for her. We love you Krista." She also waved to the camera. I rolled around on the floor laughing at the girl.

The next camera went to a jock throwing a football. "Yeah, that Kristine chick is a total bitch, she probably deserved everything she got." I looked over at Tyler who had his knuckles clenched. "She's a total whore too, I mean she slept with half the guys here and she flirts with all the teachers. Rumor has it that her sister is really her kid but she couldn't tell anybody because the father of the child is a teacher."

"Tyler, turn it off." I heard Carrie say.

"No." I said as Tyler reached for the button. "I want to watch it." He hesitated but pulled his hand back. Suddenly the screen went back to the news reporter.

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