Chapter Thirty . . . Alive

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Chapter Thirty . . . Alive

Well fans this scene contains adult graphics that might not be suitable for all teens beware and look for the * that where the scene ends and begins.

(2 weeks later)

Two weeks of bed rest, physical therapy, and plain misery. I was finally free. I felt like dancing and singing, but Tyler wouldn't have any of that. He even insisted on carrying me bridal style to the car, but once I saw the house all bets were off.

"We're home!" I cheered and began hopping up and down in my seat with excitement, but the pain in my side had me slowing down. "Oh crap." I said while grabbing my side. Tyler instantly looked at me with concern.

"Settle down you're just going to hurt yourself more, and I just got you back, I don't need you going back to the hospital." I smiled at him and nodded before leaning over and kissing him on the lips. He instantly kissed me back and licked my body lip wanting entrance. I granted it and he took control. I climbed on his lap in the driver's seat. I moaned against his mouth and Tyler pulled back and ran his fingers through my knotted hair.

"I thought you wanted me to settle down." I smirked and felt his member poking me in the stomach. "Seems to me that you're the one who needs to settle down." I kissed his nose.

"Let's get you into the house." He said ignoring the conversation. He picked me up and carried me into the house, the whole time I giggled and laughed, and felt the love and happiness. After what felt like years in hell I needed this.

Tyler continued to walk into the house and took me to his bedroom where he gently layed me down on his bed.

"Where are the kids?" I asked when I realized ow silent the house was.

"With my mom and Jessica."

"They are with them way to much. Your mom and sister need a break, or at least some sort of payment." He shook his head and climbed into bed with me.

"Are you kidding me they love having the kids around, my mom loves kids, and Jessica likes Mia having her own little friend." I sighed and closed my eyes.

"You know I think you tell me these things just so I shut up." He grabbed my chin gently and made me look at him.

"No, I never want you to shut up. I've missed your voice, and I never want to stop hearing it." I shook my head at him.

"Liar." He kissed my lips gently.

"You say that now, but wait until I'm moving around again, then you are going to want to cut my tongue out."

"Never." He whispered, and I looked into his eyes to find that he absolutely meant it, and I felt my heart swell with love.

"I'm going to hop into the shower." I said and gave him a quick kiss before going into the connecting bathroom.

"I'll be waiting." He called and I laughed.

My laughter died as I turned on the steaming hot water on in the shower and began stripping off my t-shirt and jeans. I was about to strip off my underwear when I looked down to realize that I still had my socks on. I looked over at the toilet where I could probably sit to take them off but then I remembered how much it hurt to sit down.

"Uh . . . Tyler?" I called.

"Yeah babe?" He called from the bedroom. I paused and looked down at my socks and decided that I could do this on my own.

"Never mind." I gently brought my right foot up and took my sock off with out a problem. Now it was time for the left. I gently brought it up like I had the first one but this one didn't come off as easy as the first. I began to hop around on my free foot and tried to remain balance but as quickly as I tried to get balance the quickly I lost it. I let out a yelp as I felt myself hit the ground.

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