Chapter Fifteen . . . If Things Were That Easy

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Chapter Fifteen . . . If Things Were That Easy

We all had a nice afternoon with Tina, and surprisingly she was cool with mine and Tyler's relationship, but she told us to be safe and not to tell anybody about us. She said that when i was eighteen things would get easier but for the next four months Tyler and I had to be very careful.

The sound of the alarm clock had me dreading the day. I hit the alarm and turned to Tyler who had his head buried in his pillow.

"Tyler." I called but he only moaned and pushed his head deeper into the pillow. I poke his bear shoulder and yet I didn't get anything. "Fine, looks like I'm going to have to shower all by myself." I sighed.

"Okay, okay I'm up!" He said lifting his head from the pillow smiling.

"Well looks like I got you up." I said and he pulled me into his arms for a long passionate kiss. After moment I pulled away from him and he frowned.  "Oh don't be a baby."

"How can I not when the most beautiful girl I have ever seen has stop kissing me."

"Well, Mr Brolin I-"

"Wait, what did you just call me?" I laughed and he looked playfully mad.

"Mr. Brolin, since you and I are going to be in school today I should start calling you Mr.Brolin, right?" I twirled my hair around my finger and got out of bed. I looked at Tyler and his eyes were eating me up. That's when I realized I was only in a t-shirt that went to mid-thigh.

Tyler got up on his arms like an animal ready to pounce and his eyes screamed lust. "Let's get this straight Kristine, when we are not in school I am Tyler, or else there will be consciences."

"What kind of consciences Mr. Brolin?"  I smiled and blew a kiss. He growled and jumped out of bed and corned me against a wall.

"Well, I'll just have to torture you." He said seductively.

I licked my lips and ran my hand down his abs. "Well, I suggest you show me what you got." He growled like an animal before putting his lips in the corner of my neck and sucked gently. I knew he was leaving another mark on my skin. He owned me now.

"Oh God Kristine, I love you." His whole body froze when he let it slip. I couldn't help but smile especially when he lifted his head up and looked at me and his cheeks were slightly pink. Tyler backed away from me and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, but I mean it!" He suddenly blurrted out and I didn't know what to say it was something I've been waiting to hear so long.

"Tyler I-"

"I understand that you probably won't say it back with everything you've gone through, but Kristine I can't be without you or those kids. I want them and you and I want to be a family." I let my mouth drop to the floor and didn't know what to do.

"You are beautiful and strong and I want to be with you and no one else but you." He finished and looked nervous so I did thing I thought would make him feel better and kissed him with everything I had inside, with everything I had to show him I love him just as much as he loved me.

"I love you too." I whispered against his lips and instantly he picked me up and put my back against the wall and kissed me with so much passion and love that I thought i was going to die. I hadn't experienced anything like that in a long time and not this much.

"Mommy?" I heard a little voice call. Tyler and I both froze. He quickly put me to my feet and I looked at the now open door with Sierra looking confused.

"Yes, baby?" I said after clearing my throat.

"What are you and Tywer doing?"

"Uh- doing are morning stretches." Tyler decided to chime in and God I wish that he didn't. He may be a teacher and someone I loved but God he was an idiot.

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