Chapter Twenty-nine . . . Awake my Soul

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Chapter twenty-nine . . . . Awake My Soul

Kristine's P.O.V

I woke up with a giant gasp my head was throbbing and my throat was so dry. Luckily, when I opened my eyes I realized that I wasn't in a basement being tortured by my father, but instead a hospital room. All memories then came into my brain like a ton of bricks. I moaned and instantly my hand was grabbed in comforting manner.

"Hey, it's okay." I heard and found Tyler. His eyes were swollen and he looked like he hadn't slept or showered in the past three days.

"Tyler, what's going on?" My throat was hoarsed and my body felt like it weighed a ton. I couldn't even pick up my arm.

"How much do you remember?" He asked as he got me some water.

"Everything." I whispered and he gave me a water which I drank greedily.

"Well, we lost you for awhile, but we brought you back, we don't know how but we did, and then you went into a coma. They thought for sure you weren't going to make it but you pulled through just fine, how do you feel?"

"I'm so weak, I feel like there are a ton of bricks on my body."

"That could be because of the pain medicine."

"Where are the kids?"

"Safe, they are out in the waiting room with my mom." I nodded.

"Can I see them?"

"Kristine, I think it would be best if you took it easy for awhile."

"Tyler, I want to see them." He looked at me and nodded before leaving the room. I smile widely when I heard the sound of clicking on the floor getting closer. Suddenly the door swung open and there was Sierra.

"Mommy!" She yelled and jumped on my bed. She cuddled up to me and put pressure on my wound. I gently pushed her off and let out a silent scream. "Mommy, what wrong?" I felt tears fill my eyes.

"Nothing, baby, I'm just real happy to see you. I missed you."

"I missed you too mommy." She said and hugged me tightly.

"Sierra!" I heard Tyler yell and she looked at him. "Honey, I told you that you have to be easy with mommy." I looked down and he had Austen walking with Tyler, and smiling happily.

"Sorry daddy." I heard Sierra whisper and I looked at her and then to Tyler, and I was speechless. She called him daddy.

"Daddy?" I whispered to Tyler, but Sierra was the first to speak up.

"Twer said that he wanted to be my new daddy, and I said that was fine by me." I laughed at her little attitude. "What about you mommy, what do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea." I looked at Austen, "And what about my little man." Tyler picked Austen up and set him next to me on the bed. I began kissing his chubby cheeks. "I missed you guys so much. When I get out of here we are going to get ice cream, go to chucky chesse, and get some new toys."

"Yay!" Sierra cheered.

"Hey what about me?" Tyler pouted as he sat at the foot of my bed.

"What can we get daddy?" I whispered to Sierra.

"A new car!" I looked at Sierra and started to laugh.

"No, I think we can find something a little better."

"How about a . . .  a . . . kiss!" Sierra yelled.

"I think daddy could use one of those, what do you say mommy?" Tyler said and looked at me with great passion in his eyes.

"Yeah mommy, give him a wet one." I looked at Sierra.

"Who taught you to talk like that?" I asked surprised.

"Aunt Carrie." I rolled my eyes, figures.

"Okay, daddy can give me a kiss." Tyler grinned and leaned up and gave me a wet one as Sierra would put it.

Sparks flew through my body and my heart began to beat quickly the beeping to my monitor beeped louder and quicker. I pulled away wanting some air when a doctor came in.

"Miss Winchester are you alright?" I looked at my kids and Tyler.

"Yes sir, I think I'm just fine."

"Well, I need to check your vitals. Mr. Bolin, would you mind taking the kids out in the waiting area?"

"Not at all." Tyler replied before picking up Austen. "Come on Sierra."

"But I want to see mommy!" She cried and I gave her a kiss.

"Go with Tyler, honey." She nodded and took Tyler's hand and they both walked outside.

"That's a nice little family you have there."

"Thanks." I replied and he checked my vitals.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm quite alright, I'm just a little tired is all." He nodded and wrote information down.

"Well, you have had a long couple of weeks." He said and pulled up a chair next to my bed.

"You don't have to tell me. I was there Doctor."

"Well, what I'm getting at is, do you think you're well, mentally?" I looked up at the ceiling and laughed without feeling.

"You think I'm crazy?"

"Miss Winchester, I never said that. I'm simply implying that you might need a little help, do deal with the situation you were in."

"Listen doc, I appreciate the offer, I truly do, but I think I'm going to be just fine." The doctor got up and nodded.

"I see, well my offer will always stand."

"Thank you." I whispered and he left the room. I felt tears drip from my eyes as Tyler came back in without the kids.

"Kristine, what's wrong?" I looked at him and smiled.

"The doctor just asked if I needed help. Mental help." I laughed dryly and Tyler came over to me, and he wrapped his arms around me gently.

"I'll kill him." I heard Tyler growl.

"Tyler, he was just trying to help."

"Then why are you so upset?" I smiled at him and shrugged. "Come on tell me."

"So many years, that he would beat me, so many years that I would starve and stuff. No one gave a damn, no one cared, no one tried to help me, no one asked questions about my bruises. Just nothing. Now they ask questions, now they want to know questions. Why now? Why now?" I kept repeating over and over again and I realized I was shaking.

"Kristine, I don't know. I wish I was there to help you sooner, I wish I could take your scars away, but I can't, and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered and brought me into his arms. "I love you so much." He whispered soothingly.

"I love you too."

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