Chapter Nineteen . . . You Me and The Kids

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Chapter Nineteen . . . You Me and the Kids.

It's been a very long two weeks leaving Tyler's house. I missed him. My heart felt like it was split in half. The only time I got to see him was in school and even then he treated me like I was his student. Which is odd to explain considering the fact that I technically am his student, but in a way I wasn't. My life was so complicated to explain.

Anyway, I was sitting in the kitchen in sweats and barely any make up on, Austen was sleeping in his swing Tina insisted on buying, and Sierra was happy because she got to play with Mia. I was the only one who was unhappy in this place, but I tried not to let it show. Especially to Tina, I didn't want her to think I didn't like or appreciate everything she did for me.

"Okay, so what's wrong?" Tina asked as she walked in with a beautiful blue dress on that went mid-thigh. Her hair was in loose curls that hung past her shoulders, and her makeup was applied so perfectly that it made her glow, and for me, well , I looked like a hobo.

"Nothing, where are you going?" I asked changing the subject quickly.

"Well, I'll be going out for a little bit. I'm going to have dinner with a couple of friends." She said as she dug through her big black purse and found lipstick.

"Oh that nice, you need me to watch the kids then?" I asked with a smile.

"No." She said with a pop of her lips after applying the lipstick.

"Oh, did you get a babysitter?" I asked a little confused.

"No." She repeated as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"I'm a little lost here."

"It's a surprise." She said with a big smile showing her perfect teeth that reminded me of Tyler.

"A surprise? For me?" I asked slowly still confused.

"Yes, and I suggest you get changed and well . . . do something with that hair of yours." I laughed as she dragged me to my bedroom down the hall.

"Sit." She demanded and pushed me on the bed before going straight to my closet and going through clothes. "Ah, perfect." I was scared of what she would come out with, but when she turned I was surprised to find that she had a pair of jeans and one of my favorite shirts that was blue with stars in sparkles.

"Put those on and wear those black shoes of yours downstairs. Now for your hair make it simple but nice. I'm going to go downstairs and I'll tell you when your surprise is here, okay?"

She didn't let me answer and was already out the door before I could even open my mouth. What a strange girl. I thought while stripping off my old clothes and putting the ones on that Tina layed out for me.

After I finished dressing, I walked to the bathroom and decided to put my hair in a pretty bun with loose strands hanging around my face. I applied a bit of mascara and a dab of perfume on my neck when I heard little feet running down the hall.

"MOMMY!" Sierra yelled in a cheerful voice as she ran in the room. Mia followed behind with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Yes, Sierra?" I asked and knelt down to her level.

"Aunt Tina said that your surprise is here and that I'm not suppose to tell you what it is."

"Oh come on, not even a little hint?" I teased.

"Nope, now come on!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my room and down the hall but made me stop before we reached the kitchen. God she was strong. "Okay mommy, close your eyes."

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