Chapter Twenty-Five . . . Alone

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Chapter Twenty- Five . . . Alone

Jessica's P.O.V

"Listen to me, I don't care if you have no leads, you need to get your asses in gear and find her or else something's going to happen. No, that's not a threat." I kept my mouth shut as I listened to Tyler argue on the phone. It's been hell on all of us, not having Kristine here, she made my family whole. Tyler, of course, was taking it the hardest. I've never heard Tyler yell like that especially to a police officer, and my mother was on a cleaning frenzy. It was unbelievable how much of an impact she made on my family in just a few short weeks.

"Aunt Jessica," Sierra whispered while playing with some blocks, she hasn't talked since Kristine was taken. "when is mommy coming home?" Mia who was sitting next to her gave her a hug. I was proud of my daughter for being stronger than any of us, even though sometimes at night I heard her cry.

"Sierra, mommy will be home soon. I promise and when she does we are all going to the playground, and to Chucky Cheese. I'll even buy you a new toy." She didn't even smile, but looked away and continued to play with her blocks.

"I DON'T CARE! I'M DONE, I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT MYSELF!" Tyler yelled making us all jump before slamming the phone down. He put his face in his hands and I walked over to him. "Jess, what am I going to do, it's almost been a week." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"I know, I know, but you can't freak out like this, you need to relax."

"How when the person who keeps me relaxed is gone, with some monster who will do God only knows to her." I felt tears in my eyes, my brother finally found love and now he could possibly be alone.

"Tywer?" Tyler and I both looked down and saw Sierra who was crying.

"Yeah Sierra?" He answered and she smacked his leg hard.

"Mommy, is going to be okay! You need to stop yelling at the people on the phone, and find her."

"Sierra come here." Tyler said but she shook her head and ran away to her now bedroom. We heard the door slam shut behind her.

"Great just great, now my daughter is distant from me!" He yelled and slammed his hands on the table. I smiled sadly.

"I'll go talk to her." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and Mia and I went to talk to Sierra.


Tyler's P.O.V

I looked at everything on the coffee table and pushed it off before I threw myself on the couch. Everything was silent, and I hated it. I missed Kristine, I miss her laugh and hearing her talk. I need her.

I propped my feet up on the table and looked down the hall where the girls were. I closed my eyes. My daughter was crying wanting her mommy and there was nothing I could do about it. The police were no help, and I myself had no leads.

The images of the 'torture room' stuck in my head. No wonder why she fainted that room looked like hell, no it was worse than hell. I didn't even want to think what he was doing to her now. If there was even a hair out of place on her head I would kill him. No, I would put him through slow torture and then I would slowly kill him. Yeah, that's what I would do, but first I have to find him, but like the police I didn't know where to look. He could be anywhere.

I got up off the couch and went into the kitchen and pulled out a beer from the fridge. I sat down at the kitchen table and looked over police files. Thanks to a friend at the police department he made me copies of Kristine's father's files. There wasn't much to them besides a bunch of D.U.I's and Public Intoxication, there was nothing on abuse or anything like that. To the police department and people who didn't know him, Mr. Winchester was just a drunken idiot, but to Kristine and Sierra he was a monster. Hell, Sierra called him the boogie man.

I looked at the files over and over again, but nothing made sense of where he would be. The only place he was seen was the bar and his home, and we've been to both. Damnit! I sighed and looked around and a dozen red roses sitting on the counter caught my eye. I got up of the chair and picked them up. I know I didn't give Kristine any roses before she disappeared. I picked them up and went into Sierra's room where I found Jessica laying with the sleeping Mia and Sierra.

"What?" She mouthed.

"Where did you get these?" I whispered.

"A friend of Kristine's brought them."


"The night you guys went to the police station." My eyes widened somebody knew where she was staying before she disappeared.


"Jackson, why what's going on?" I shook my head at her question and walked out of the room and picked up a phone on my way to the kitchen. I quickly dialed the Highschool's number.

"Hello Miss Jennings how may I help you?"

"Miss Jennings how are you?" I asked trying not to sound like I was on the verge of killing someone.

"Mr.Brolin! I'm fine thanks, how are you feeling I heard you were sick." I lied to the school and told them that I had the worst flu, luckily they believed me.

"I'm fine, but still a little sick. Listen, I was calling to get some information a student. His name is Jackson."

"Does he have a last name?" She asked with a smile in her voice.

"See I'm not too sure, he came to my house with flowers and I wanted to thank him. He said he was new to the school, he is new."

"Mr. Brolin we haven't had a new student since last year."

"Are you sure?" I asked and my heart quickened.

"I'm positive Mr. Brolin."

I said a quick thanks and hung up the phone and quickly dialed the police department.

"Police department, how may I help you?" A man with a deep voice asked.

"Listen, this is Tyler Brolin I have some information for the-"

"Please hold." He said cutting me off. Great, now I was on hold.

"Mr. Brolin, this is chief of police, what did you find out."

"There was a guy who showed up to talk to Kristine before she disappeared, he said that he was a new student at our school, but records show there hasn't been a new student since last year."

I heard the chief of police sigh on the phone. "Are you positive Mr.Brolin?"

"Yes sir."

"I need a name."

"All I have is a first name Jackson." I heard the shuffle of papers on the other end.

"There is a Jackson Winchester, it would be Kristine's cousin, but he lives in a whole different sta-" The officer cut himself off. "Wait, this guy has been in jail for gang violence and much more, his father for the same. I think this is our guy."

"Great, how do we find him."

"Last known address was here, but at a motel. Hold on I'm searching now." I waited and tapped my foot impatiently as Jessica walked in.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Mr. Brolin, you there?"

"Yes, what did you find?"

"This Jackson guy, was giving a warning by another police officer almost a week ago. Apparently, he's been staying in a old warehouse just on the outskirts of town."


"On 23rd street, Mr. Brolin stay where you are and let the police handle this." I hung up as soon as he said that and ran to the door and grabbed my coat, Jessica following behind.

"Tyler, what's going on?" She demanded

"Stay with the kids. We think we found Kristine, I'm going after her."

"You can't go by yourself, let the police handle this." I ignored her and gave her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you and mom, take care of the kids." I walked out the door despite Jessica calling me and got in my car where I sped away quickly.

I was going to get her back.

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