Chapter Thirty-Two . . . Court

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Chapter Thirty-Two . . . Court

Kristine's P.O.V

I walked through the doors that were guarded by an officer in uniform and tried to calm down my racing heart. Tyler was right behind me and looked worried. I wouldn't let him hold my hand. I don't know why but if he did I would feel like a baby, and the judges would find out that we were a couple which would send Tyler to jail and me on my own.

Anyway, I looked around. People were staring at me with pity in there eyes even the judge. I didn't want their pity, I wanted to run to Tyler and get out of here, but I knew that running was not the answer.

"Kristine?" I heard him whisper, but ignored him as I looked at the court room. It looked actually like something you would see on Law and Order but this was real life not some t.v. show.

I took in a deep breath, straightened myself up, and was about to walk to my seat next to my lawyer, but instead of doing all of that Tyler grabbed me and pulled me close to him, too close.

"What?" I hissed.

"Talk, now." He hissed right back. That was something I loved about Tyler he wasn't afraid to stand up to me.

"I have to get up there."

"No, not until you talk." I rolled my eyes and gave in. "What's going through your mind."

"I want to get this over with Tyler, that's all. I want to see him in jail forever, excuse me for being a little worked up." I said and pulled my arm out of his hand, but then I stopped and looked down at my engagement ring. I owed him better than to be a bitch. So, I sighed and turned around. "I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have pushed you I'm just trying to help you." He whispered back. I nodded.

"Miss Winchester?" I turned to the voice of the judge calling me.

"One minute your honor." He nodded and I turned back to Tyler and pulled him down so I could whisper in his ear. "I love you, so much." He pulled away and winked making me smile before I walked away from him and sat next to my lawyer.

"If we are ready, send the defendants, Darren Winchester and Jackson Winchester." I sighed and closed my eyes when I heard the door open and shut, knowing that those two would be staring me down with a mad look in their eyes.

I could picture my father standing right in front of me with a knife just gliding it down my body like he had done before.

I opened my eyes trying to get the image out of my head and looked at my ring which I held in a death grip. I wasn't ready for this. I felt tears sting my eyes.

"Your honor I would like to call up to the stand Doctor Smith." I looked at the man who was walking to the stand and giving his oath and instantly remembered him from the police station where I had to identify the man pretending to be my father.

"Begin your questioning." The judge said and I sighed starting to shake and tremble as the doctor began telling his side of the story.


Tyler was called, doctors were called, neighbors and other teachers were called, but fortunately I wasn't called. People told their side of the story about seeing my bruises and hearing my screams but I noticed that none of them tried to help me except for Tyler. What was wrong with these people?

"Your honor the people would like to call Kristine Winchester to the stand." My head shot up at my attorney who gave me a pleading look. I nodded to him and forced my legs to work. I walked to the officer who held the bible in his hands. I raised my right hand.

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