Chapter 2

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We finally reached London and was waiting for our luggage. As we were waiting for our luggage to arrive my Mom and Pankti were talking to each other for 15 minutes. After collecting our luggage we were leaving the airport. Pankti was waiting for someone to come so I was also their with her waiting for that person and by the time he arrives we decided to exchange our numbers. Suddenly she waved goodbye ran and hugged a guy who came to pick her up. My Mom asked me who is he?? I replied maybe her boyfriend but still some part of me was saying that he is not her boyfriend. We reached the hotel and were taking rest I thought of texting her but I thought it's was not a good idea to do so. I was so tired that I slept. Next morning I woke up and checked my phone I saw that there was a message from Pankti. Hii Darshan. I was waiting for your message yesterday but you didn't text so I thought ki let me message you. I don't know why but her message made me happy. I replied 'Oh I am really sorry I was so tired so I slept early'. Her reply came in less than a minute It's ok no problem. Then we kept on chatting for sometime. And I really wanted to ask her who that guy was? I really wanna know what relation does that guy and Pankti share But I was nervous. After sometime I somehow managed to ask her Who that guy was?? She replied 'Ohh he is my older brother Rahul. I replied 'Ohh cool'. I was so relieved after hearing this. We kept talking for sometime and I was feeling so good till she texted 'Sorry my younger brother will arrive in half an hour I need to go and pick him up. Catch you later. And she left I got up from my bed got freshen up and left the hotel for a small walk.

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