Chapter 35

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|The biggest secret that you guys have been waiting since te leap is finally disclosed in this chapter|

It was more than 2 weeks since Dii came back. And now after seeing Dii's condition it's impossible for me to hide stuffs from her. I went to her sat on her bed beside her. Dii I wanna tell you something. A truth and a lie at the same time. She replied 'What do you mean? What truth, what lie??' I replied 'Dii listen to me Darsh bhaiya never cheated on you nor he betrayed you.' She interupt and said 'Rohit shut up I know he is your favourite but that doesn't means you will take his side always.' I replied 'No dii it's the truth. Believe me' She replied 'Ok tell me what's the truth??' I replied 'Dii Darsh bhaiya still loves you, he has always loved you. Remember you told him that you wanted to complete your Masters from Canada and when you got the offer from Canada you rejected it. Why?? Cause you were insecure about your relationship. You were scared cause his fans are girls. You didn't want to go to Canada cause you didn't want to lose him. But Darshan bhaiya wanted you to have your own career, he wanted you to fulfil your own dreams, he used to think what if today or tomorrow anything happens to him what will you do then that's why he broke your heart he acted like he was in a relationship with someone else and all those things were just a drama to break your heart so that you can change your broken heart to your passion and see you did it. Dii if you don't believe me then there you go take my phone read every single chats that took place between me and Darsh bhaiya. He used to always ask me 'How are you? Are you better than before? Did you have your food?' Dii there is still time go back to him please. She stood up and sat down on the floor with tears. 'Oohh myy gossh without even knowing anything I told him so many bad things, why do I always do mistakes??. Rohit what should I do now?' Rahul bhaiya entered the room and said 'pack your bags, your flight to Mumbai is tomorrow go and get your love back. Dii went and hugged Bhaiya.

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