Chapter 6

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I went back to my hotel and didn't know what to do?? I just layed on my bed and just slept.. Next morning I woke up and was waiting for Pankti's message but she didn't text me. After waiting for sometime I started texting her but she didn't come online nor she replied. I thought maybe everything ended
We reached India and from airport we directly went to hospital to meet Mamma. We went we met Mamma she is little better than before and was really happy to see three of us there. I came out of the room went to the waiting room took my phone out of my bag and brought data and was going to message Darshan that I reached India safely but suddenly Bhaiya appeared and was like Pankti I need to talk to you. I kept my phone and said ha bhaiya say what you wanna say. Bhaiya said 'Don't you think that you and Darshan are getting very close to each other. I replied what you mean bhaiya? We are just friends that's it. Bhaiya replied 'I am not saying that he is bad I have heard a lot about him and everyone said he is an amazing person I just wanna say you just stay a bit away from him. I asked but why?? Tell me a reason atleast? Bhaiya said ' I have no reason just saying you it's better if you stay away from him. I replied but bhaiya he is my friend. Bhaiya replied Don't fight. Just do as I say. After saying this all stuff bhaiya just left the room. What should I do now?? Should I listen to bhaiya or should I listen to Darshan??
For 1 week I didn't text Darshan nor even I came online. My Mom was discharged from the hospital and we came home back. I suddenly check the calendar and saw it was Saturday which means Darshan came back to India yesterday.  I went back to my university after a long holiday. I told my best friend Richa everything about the holiday and even asked that to get me Darshans address if possible. She told she can get me Darshans address. After coming Home I saw my older brother and remembered that he told me to start away from Darshan.. Someone please help me out. What should I do??

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