Chapter 25

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I replied 'See please answer me I am asking this for your good' He replied 'Really what good? Tell me also how will it help me??' I replied 'Wanna know?? then don't blame me.' He replied 'Yes, I won't. I replied 'Because Pankti loves you'
I was surprised to hear this but at the same I was so happy. My heart starting beating at the speed of 100 km/hr. I replied 'Are you sure?? It's not a prank?? Is this true??' Richa replied 'Yes, when you didn't reply her that day I saw tears on her eyes and those tears were of love. She wants you, she needs you.' My eyes were filled with tears, tears of happiness. I replied 'You know what Richa?? Even I love her but I was scared to confess because I thought she thinks me as her friend'. Richa replied 'This is the same thing what she is thinking now. Please tell her before it's too late and please don't tell her that I told you everything'. I replied 'I will. Chill I won't say her. Thanks a million idk how can I thank you,ask me anything you want I will give you that' Richa replied 'Anything?? Are you sure??' I replied 'Yes'. Richa replied 'Marry my bestfriend'. I replied 'I will. I just have some projects to complete then I will propose her'. Richa replied 'Thanks.. byee.. I was so happy that she loves me I started jumping on the bed. Suddenly Kritesh and Hardik entered my room and was like 'Darshan are you crazy?? The bed will break.' I replied 'Idc. Guess what happened??' Hardik replied 'Are you working with Shah Rukh Khan??' I replied 'Nooooo, Pankti loves me'. Both of them were surprised. Kritesh said 'Are you sure?? How can someone love a idiot like you??' I sat down and asked 'Why Kritesh, are you jealous?' He replied Duhhh jealous no way. I replied ok guys I need to complete everything by now cause Pankti is coming back tomorrow. After completing my work I texted Richa and asked 'Do anyone from Pankti's family know about this??' Richa replied 'Yes. Rohit, her younger brother knows everything'. I asked Richa Rohit's number and she texted me his number. I texted Rohit 'Hey champ, Darshan here I hope you remember me'. He replied in a jiffy 'Hey bro, Yes my sister's lover. I replied 'Yeaaaa.... See Pankti is coming back tomorrow and I want to pick her up from the airport and want to spend the day with her. So you gotta help me out with it'. He replied 'So the plan was me and Rahul Bhaiya will pick her up but chill I will manage bhaiya and will say she is with Richa dii and I will tell Richa dii also about everything'. I replied 'Thnxxx a lot Rohit'. He replied 'Np. Dii will reach here at 11am. And yea have a great day and if possible tell dii about your feelings'. I replied 'Thnxx... Yea I will soon. He replied 'You don't talk about soon I know what your soon means'. I was laughing after reading his text and replied 'This time I am serious'. We chatted for a while and I slept. It was very hard for me to sleep as I was over excited and also nervous at the same time...

My chapters are usually of 350-400 words but from today I will try to post chapters of 560-600 words because I am so excited for the upcoming chapters. I was blushing while rechecking this chapter idk why (khud ki tareef kar rhi hu I know 😅😅😅)
I hope you guys liked it. If yes, then vote and leave your reviews in the comments... Keep reading, keep loving and Spreadlove 💙💙💙..

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