chapter three- virgil

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TW: slight mentions of abuse, mentions of panic attacks, unironic snapchat usage

daniel mendacium.


danny boi.

best friend.


daniel mendacium was the boy who would sit in the back of the classroom in sixth grade first hour and then would sit in the direct middle of the classroom later in fourth hour. he didn't talk much except to point out when the teacher made a mistake, or to make some kind of sarcastic remark. 

dan was the boy who was in my sixth grade first and fourth hour who also didn't have a partner for group projects and was forced to work with me because otherwise we would both fail the class and he didn't care, he was already failing but i did. 

danny boi was the boy who my first friend from middle school. he was always really angry at the world, and i shared in that anger. we would sit at lunch together every day alone and we would talk about how much we hated everyone around us and in the rest of the world. we would talk about how stupid everyone was. and how all of the teachers and the rest of the students would never realize how bad things in our lives were. 

best friend (otherwise known as daniel damn) was the boy would hang out with me and talk to me about everything. and i'd do the same with him. best friend gained this title by the end of seventh grade, once i realized that i had a crush on him. after he did we did everything together, even as he got more friends and even as i started to hate not just the world but myself too. 

boyfriend (otherwise known as danny despacito) is the boy who gives me kisses and wipes away my tears after a panic attack. he is the boy who hugs me so tightly sometimes i can't breathe. he's the boy who sometimes gets mad but, is quick to forgive. he is the boy who will sometimes leave bruises, but never scars. he's the boy who will hold my hand while walking down the hall fully aware of the people watching but doesn't care. he's the boy who loves me. he's the boy i love.  

"you called?" asked dan's voice from behind remy and me. 

"danny!" remy said as dan caught up to us. "it's been forever!" 

"the last time we talked was yesterday." dan corrected as i fought back a laugh. 

"and? my snapchat story is already gone from the last time we talked. which is just more proof as to how long it's been." remy said as dan took my hand. i could feel my cheeks heat up at the touch as a gentle smile spread across my face. 

"you're right remy, it's been an eternity," dan said in a sarcastic tone rolling his eyes at his own words. we continued to walk until the five-minute bell rang. once that happened remy split away from dan and i as we walked to my first hour. 

"you should at least attempt to get to your class," i told him. he didn't listen though. he rarely does. 

"class is overrated anyway," he responded in a tone that said i was being ridiculous. i was. "i'll probably leave after you get to class anyway." he said and then stopped walking, i gave him a confused look. "care to join me?" he asked with a grin placed on his face as his eyes twinkled in the dim lighting of the hallway. 

i paused and looked at him for a second, "i can't skip on the first day." i say in a quiet tone, partially hoping he wouldn't hear me. 

"come on virge, it'll be fun," he said his grin widening as i could feel my hand begin to shake. 

"i can't," i said in a louder tone than before. "my mom will kill me." 

"and your mom doesn't have to know," he retorted. 

"i have to go." i said as his grip on my hand tightens. 

"fine, but don't expect me to come back before lunch," he said as he let go of my hand and walked away. i walked into the classroom. 

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