Something Not Good~Patton

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Hi, there kiddos! It's your good ol' pappy Patton. And if you're procrastinating on something right now, like the author, go do the thing you've been procrastinating on, whether that's a school assignment, or a project, or even just a small chore. You've got this! Whatever you do make sure you try your best but don't get too hard on yourself if you make a mistake. You're doing great even if you do make a mistake. 

Unless you're feeling really tired or worn out or stressed out which in that case take some time to relax. Get yourself something to drink and maybe even a snack. Make sure you're taking care of yourself because self-love is extra important. If you are feeling tired maybe it'd be a good idea to go to sleep because that way once you wake up, you'll be able to feel energized and then get whatever it is you need to get finished, done. 

So now that I think about it, there were some aspects to Nathan and Roman's relationship that maybe weren't as great as I might have thought they were. At the time the things happened I maybe didn't think of them as major issues but maybe I could have been wrong. I just feel like things with Roman have been getting worse and I know that's not anyone's fault e̶x̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶m̶i̶n̶e. But I am really worried and so I wondered if telling you guys about the not so great moments of Roman and Nathan's relationship would help to understand and maybe know how to help Roman a bit better too. 

Towards the end of Roman and Nathan's relationship, they got into a fight, I'm not quite sure about what. But after it happened, Roman never seemed to be around Nathan as much, which would have made sense because they did get into an argument. But it wasn't just after the argument, it was up until they broke up, which was really different for Roman. Like I said, I have no idea what the argument was about. But, I don't know if Nathan did something to Roman or maybe even hurt Roman. All I really know is that Roman became more reserved, the normal confident and happy Roman was replaced with this more quiet and frowny Roman that I still loved but wasn't the Roman I knew. I don't know though, maybe I was just being a bit paranoid but even Logan thought that something was different about Roman. 

I remember on the night of the fight Roman called me. He sounded really upset, almost like he was crying. Roman rarely cried in front of people, unless he was on stage. And that wasn't because Roman was sad but because whoever he was then was sad. I couldn't quite understand what Roman was saying, he kept on repeating that it was all his fault, but I don't know what was his fault. He just seemed panicked and really upset, almost like he was in shock. I tried to calm him down as I began to head over to his house. 

Once I got to Roman's house he was home and was sobbing. Remy was with him trying to calm him down but it didn't seem to be working. When I asked Remy what had happened they didn't answer. If Remy did know something, they didn't tell me. And maybe I should have tried to talk to Roman about it more. But he just really worried me. The next day too Nathan came up to me and asked if Roman was alright and Nathan said that they got into a big fight. When I asked Nathan about what happened he just said that Roman was being over-dramatic about what had happened. But Nathan didn't tell me what had happened that Roman was being over-dramatic about. 

I hope that helped and keep me updated on anything that you've guys have seen. You're all doing great and I'll see you guys later. 

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