chapter nineteen-virgil

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surprisingly enough, logan ended up doing all the work for us. i tried to help him but he insisted that i would just end up doing it wrong. this is probably why patton had him come over. i don't know what that says about patton, but whatever it means, i respect it. patton tried to help logan, and for a while logan let him (unlike me). 

i can see why logan and patton work well together. patton makes sure logan doesn't work himself to death and logan keeps patton from getting himself killed, it makes sense. 

after a while logan began to get frustrated with patton, who was more focused on decoration than on the information. so, instead of flipping out like it was obvious that he wanted to do, logan asked if patton could go bake something, to which patton got really happy and went to bake some cookies. 

during all of this roman was continuously throwing insults logan's way, instead of actually helping logan.  most of said insults were about logan being a nerd, and an idiot. you could see on logan's face how pissed off he was getting, i doubt it was because of the insults themselves, but the fact that roman refused to shut up was annoying as hell, not just for logan but for me too. "hey roman, can you shut up, for once in your life?" i said after what was most likely the twelfth insult thrown logan's way. 

"what's wrong storm cloud? do you not like your brother in law being insulted?" roman asked in a mocking tone, him saying brother in law sounded weird. not even the idea of danny and i getting married (i definitely haven't thought about that before), but the idea that logan would be my brother in law, which just sounds weird that logan and i would be related in any type of way, other than maybe friends, which is also pretty doubtful. i rolled my eyes at roman. 

"first of all princey, he's not my brother in law," i told him, i could see his eyes practically light up, at what, i couldn't tell "second of all, your constant rambling is annoying all of us, not just him, and he's the one who is doing your work. so maybe, instead of being an asshole, you could shut the hell up and let him help you." roman rolled his eyes at me, because he's an asshole. 

"language!" patton shouted from the kitchen.

"maybe you should mind your own business, virgil." roman replied, empathizing my name, like it was poison on his tongue. 

maybe it was. 

it probably was. 

this is why i didn't tell it to him. 

this is why i don't tell anyone it. 

because this is what always fucking happens. 

it becomes poison, like a swear, because the name is directly related to me. who they all hate. not just roman, or logan, or patton, or remy, or danny, but everyone. everyone who i meet, everyone who knows me. they all hate me. 


Hello peoples! School just ended for me and because of this, there are a lot of camps starting soon. Therefore, I will have even less free time than usual available to write. From now until the end of July updates will be every other Saturday. Hopefully by the time, August begins I can do two updates per week to make up for the lost time. 

Also, thank y'all so much for over 6,000 reads! You are all spectacular and I could not thank you all enough!


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