chapter twenty-eight- virgil

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TW: mentions of sex, mentions of abuse/neglect, mentions of transphobia, mentions of homophobia, mentions of under age drinking 

remy and i walked out the door, with remy seemingly determined to get into some type of trouble and me their unwilling accomplice. "dammit," remy muttered. "you would think that while running away from home, i would have remembered that i have a car." they remarked, obviously annoyed.

"maybe that's because it's also the guy who kicked you out's car," i responded sarcastically, immediately regretting mentioning the fact that remy was kicked out. remy, instead of getting pissed off and telling me to leave them alone and hating me for the rest of their life, laughed. 

"but stealing his car would have made us even," remy said smirking after their laughter subdued. i grinned back, mainly in relief that they didn't hate me forever. "but the revenge can occur later anyways, once i figure out what that revenge shall be. you got any ideas babes?" remy asked as they began to lead me down the road. i shrugged in response. 

"i don't know, maybe paint the house in gay rainbows," i suggested, remy seemed to consider it for a moment. 

"yeah, but it would take way too long, and someone's gonna end up seein' us," they rejected. i frowned trying to think of other ideas. 

we continued to go back and forth, bouncing ideas off of each other which varied from stealing everything in the house, to getting drunk with whatever booze their dad had been hiding, to spray painting "WILL SUCK DICK FOR FREE" on their dad's car until we arrived to a rather big house, most likely owned by the parents by one of the rich kids at our school. i didn't know how it was possible to know as many people as remy did, let alone being liked enough by them to be invited in their houses to their parties. i never had many friends, danny was my first real friend that actually gave a damn about me. and then when he introduced me to remy, at first it was like i had this glimpse into the world of someone with more than one friend. someone who was liked by other people. remy was the type of person that i had spent the two years previously forcing myself to hate until they became my friend too. i never really got close to remy's thousands of other friends but they did introduce me to a couple and they all seemed to like me too. it felt weird at first, knowing people who would talk to you, but none of them really seemed to care much about me, i was disposable to them.

remy and i arrived at a large white house that looked way too fancy and way too much like the owner had money for me to ever be comfortable stepping foot in. remy knocked on the door to be greeted by a girl who i was sure i had seen before, but didn't care enough to remember. she was a foot taller than me, most people were, and had long blonde hair reaching her waist. the girl had eyes that shouted how willing she'd be to kill you if she had the chance, i could only hope i wasn't on her hit list. "omigod! hey rems! thanks for coming!" she said her voice loud and squeaky as i noticed how unexcited remy seemed to be talking to her. 

"hey boo," remy greeted unenthusiastically, as i decided that the only reason remy came was for the booze. 

"well come innnn," the girl squealed, dragging the "in" as her voice squeaked even more. she may have sucked some helium before answering the door, although i doubt her voice would be this annoying if she did. the girl took remy by the arm not caring to notice me or acknowledge my existence as we entered the house, filled with drunk and horny teenagers, unready to join them. 


Hi y'all! Regrettably, this was a far from on time update. This upcoming month is going to be kind of insane for me but I will be writing and updating when possible. I hope y'all understand and continue to put up with my bullshit. The next chapter should be a touch longer, or maybe just the next Virgil chapter in order to make up for it. Thank y'all as always so much for reading and understanding as life unfortunately gets in the way. 

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