I'll know~Roman

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"I'll know when my love comes along"  

Six days passed before our group met up again to work on the group project. The night before it was due, we had to meet up. Otherwise, we would turn in a project that had about a sentence of it finished. And none of us wanted our first grades of the year to be a zero. We had agreed to meet up on the Sunday before we had to turn it in, at Patton's house. Mainly because everyone already knew where it was. But, also because I wasn't supposed to have anyone over. I mean, Remy wasn't either but, they still had parties nearly every weekend. 

I got there first, I knocked on the door gently, surprisingly, Logan was the one to open it. "Oh, hello Roman." He said in a robotic but quick tone. "Are you feeling well?" He asked me after a moment of silence. "You look extremely pale, have you been getting enough sleep?" Logan noted. 

"I'm fine," I said after another moment, he stared at me for another moment before sighing in defeat. 

"Alright then," Logan said stepping away from the door, "if you truly believe so." I stepped through the door as Patton came out from the kitchen. 

"Hi Roman," Patton chirped happily, smiling broadly as he walked towards me and Logan shut the door. Patton walked to stand next to Logan, I noticed their fingers touch when there was a sudden beeping come from the kitchen, Patton nearly jumped at the loud sound, "sorry!" He said, louder than he meant to, "I'll be right back." Patton said before rushing back into the kitchen, Logan following. 

I stood alone in the room for a couple of moments before sitting down in a chair. I could hear bits and pieces of Patton and Logan's conversation. "I simply do not understand," I heard Logan's voice say. "Why are you angry?" Logan's voice asked, although it was muffled, you could hear the concern and emotion edging through it. I doubt Logan picked up on it. 

"I'm not mad Logan," Patton stated in a tone that sounded worn out like he had given up, it was a tone that I never heard Patton's voice in once before.  

"You are obviously upset with me for some reason. Even if you aren't angered, there is something wrong that is causing you figuratively to be hurt." Logan commented, emphasizing the word figuratively. 

"I'm not upset with you Logan," Patton responded, his voice sounding even further away, the next thing he said I couldn't quite hear. "We can talk about this later, okay?" Patton suggested, his voice suddenly sounding louder, I'm not sure if he was intentionally speaking louder or if he just stepped closer towards where I sat. Whatever Logan said after that, it made Patton laugh. After a couple more minutes of muffled voices and then silence Patton and Logan stepped out of the kitchen once more, this time, Logan's face bright red. 

After a few more minutes of Logan and Patton talking about something that I wasn't listening to, there was a knock on the door. 

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