chapter twenty-three- virgil

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TW: mentions of fainting, panic attack, mentions of eating disorders, mocking of eating disorders


roman passed out. 

this is all my fault. 

what if he doesn't wake back up?

morecock is calling down the nurse, she seems panicked. "what do you mean you don't have time?" morecock asked."okay, okay," my chest felt tight. "less than five minutes," i can't breathe. morecock turned away from the phone, "do any of you know if he is diabetic?" i can't stop shaking. 

"no, he doesn't have any health conditions that could cause something like this," patton responded, he sounded frantic. everyone around me was whispering. i couldn't tell what was louder, their voices or my heartbeat. 

my heart felt as though it was making a larger hole in my chest, beating back and forth as if it was trying to push its way through my back. my heart pressing harder and harder against my back until it falls out. 

the whispering was getting louder, or at least that's what it seemed like. my vision was too blurred to be able to see anything but the panicked silhouette of the teacher, worried about a fine coming her way, and the best friend of the victim, worried about the well being of one of his few friends. 

i don't remember how long it was until the nurse rushed in with supplies. all i can remember is the panicked look on the nurse's face as she injected something into roman's arm. and her barking orders to the teacher as she did something, i couldn't see what. patton's face looked red and wet. the whispers were getting louder.

"i heard, him and logan berry were together." 

"no way the two of them hate each other, the two of them are together." 

"but did you see the way prince was looking at that emo kid over there?" 

"ew no, prince is straight, he was with vallorie just last school year." 

"yeah until prince broke up with her, for a guy" 

"maybe, instead of  gossiping about who he's with maybe do something productive and use those big mouths of yours to figure out what might be the reason for him passing out." 

"please, it's obvious, haven't you seen how thin he is? he obviously has been starving himself. he's one of those attention whores" 

"maybe instead of listening in on our conversation, you should shut the fuck up." 

"you shouldn't mock people with eating disorders, they are in serious danger, and could get really hurt because of them." 

"really? are you one of those attention whores too?" 

"oh my gosh, the nurse seems really worried, that can't be good" 

"yeah, oh my god, is she calling an ambulance?" 

"no, if they were calling an ambulance, they wouldn't be using a school phone, i bet they're calling down another teacher to watch after us until second hour." 

"that is a disturbing glimpse into the dumpster fire you call a brain." 

"i'm just saying, i wouldn't mind being carried around in someone's pocket for the rest of my life. it sounds nice, i'd eat the crumbs that fell down. it'd be a good life." 

as morecock put down the phone, i could see roman's eyes fling open. 

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