chapter twenty-five -virgil

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TW: mentions of homophobia, mentions of transphobia, mentions of eating disorders, mentions of suicide, graphic depictions of self-harm, mentions of sexual assault

as the blade sliced open my skin, i could feel myself flinch at the coolness of the metal. 


i watched the crimson blood drip down my skin as i opened another cut. 


blood marked the blade as it delved deeper into my skin. 


there was a knock on the door. "fuck," i muttered under my breath as i wiped off my blades and shoved the bandages and small bottle of hydrogen peroxide into my pocket and slipped back into my hoodie. i walked down the hall and opened the door. 

"hey boo," remy greeted, with a look on their face that was rare but not rare enough to be familiar with it, the last time i saw them like this was last year, near christmas a bit after they had been out to the school and some of the asshole football players corned them asking whether or not they were a guy or a girl and threatening to pull down their pants to find out. it was the look remy gave whenever they couldn't decide if they wanted to shout at someone or cry, meaning that soon enough they would end up doing both. "so, i was wondering if we could stay here for a bit, just 'till we can find or afford our own place, if not i get it, i wouldn't wanna live with us either," remy explained, nearly sounding frantic. whenever they would avoid something, remy tended to start to ramble, feeling as though they needed to fill the silence before someone else does. 

"yeah, come in," i said opening the door further letting remy into the house, behind them was their asshole prince brother, who was looking at me with wide eyes. 

you must really be that much of a freak. 

"you can stay in my room and roman can stay in mom's," i offered before directing my attention towards roman. "they're both down the hall, yours is gonna be at the end," i explained to roman who looked confused but nodded. 

"are you sure your mom doesn't want her room?" roman asked, skepticality in his tone. 

"yeah," i said automatically in a darker tone than i probably should have used. i watched as roman shut himself up after realizing his mistake. 

"thanks babes," remy said as they lead roman to the two rooms down the hall. i could hear their voice starting to break as they rushed away from the public eye, locking themself into my room. 

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