this bitch was tagged

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I was tagged by hjorjamax

1.) I am currently working on some orginal fiction pieces that I may or may not post to this account

2.) My favorite genre to write is science fiction

3.) I'm gonna be going to the Hella Mega tour in Detroit this summer

4.) I'm a ravenclaw (although I've also gotten Slytherin and Hufflepuff on tests before)

5.) I have five siblings that I've never met

6.) My patronus is a rat

7.) I have two pet rats, a dog and a cat

8.) I am currently in my school's production of Honk Jr.

9.) I have a poster of literary insults

10.) I am working on a story purely out of sticky notes (which probably won't be posted to this account either)

I'm gonna tag:





And anyone else reading this who wants to do it

This is I would call the, "I think
everyone's getting sick of this tag shit instead of updates" tag

I only know music jokes but they're all pretty flat

They're all ghosty boiz

Happy Holidays!

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