chapter twenty six- virgil

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Oh wow, two Virgil chapters in a row

TW: mentions of homophobia and transphobia, alcoholism, anxiety

after a while remy stepped out of my room their cheeks were tearstained and red. "hey boo, thanks for letting ro and i crash here. if you need to get rid of us, we'll understand, hell our own parents couldn't stand living with us," remy said, trailing off as their voice began to sound a bit more broken as they continued to speak. 

"it's alright, my mom probably won't notice anyway, and if she does, she won't care," i said. my mother wasn't home enough to notice if i was there, let alone two other people. after a moment of sitting in a tense silence, i spoke once more, "you wanna talk about what happened?" 

remy shrugged, "what i expected. i mean, like roman had hope or whatever but i knew that he was gonna be pissed off. it doesn't matter anyway, he was a dick and i'm glad to be away from him." they explained, it seemed like they were trying to convince themself more than they were trying to convince me. there was a moment of silence that hung in the air between us, the silence was stiff and expectant, waiting for something to happen next although, there wasn't much more to be said. 

remy and roman's dad was a homophobic peice of shit and there wasn't anything any of us could do about that, at least not right now. regardless of how much roman or remy wanted him to, regardless of how many tears, or how hard either one of them tried, it wouldn't change the fact that he was a dick. 

"he is a dick rem, and he's not worth your time," i said to which remy half-heartedly nodded. remy wanted to pretend they didn't care, they wanted to make it seem like they were unaffected by their father's betrayal. they wanted to pretend that it didn't matter to them that their father was a dick. because they knew that it shouldn't matter to them. 

"well, anyways, i'm gonna be heading out for a bit, there's a party somewhere with some people, you wanna come?" remy offered, the parties were their way of pretending it wasn't real, of avoiding the problem. parties were never my type of scene. the idea of a bunch of people i barely knew all together drinking with loud music and random people grinding on each other every two seconds while you sat their praying that you wouldn't be their next victim sounded like a diaster waiting to happen. at the same time, i knew remy needed support from a friend that night, plus, someone would need to be around to stop remy from trying to walk back here by themself drunk. 

i nodded, "sure," i said as remy grinned.  

"let's go," remy grinned standing up as I followed them and walked out the door. 

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