chapter thirty- virgil

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read until the end, important A/N. 

TW: alcoholism, mentions of abuse, sexual mentions and implications

when remy and i walked in, we were already surrounded by a large crowd of people. specifically, a large crowd of people who i didn't know and didn't care enough about to know. and even if i did care enough to try to know, would end up hating me after i open my mouth. before i could fully process what was happening, remy was dragging me through the crowd to a group of people they liked to "hang" with. and by "hang" they meant mildly tolerated enough to pretend to like so that they could remain at the top of the social food chain. remy didn't seem like the type to be at the top of the social food chain, but they were just compatible and able to act stupid enough to be liked by the people who were considered cool but not too fake and condescending and bitchy to be liked by the losers, like me. 

a part of me was always worried that the only reason remy hung around me and danny was to stay liked by the "loners" like me and the "rebels" like danny. but, they acted completely different around anyone that wasn't me and danny. they seemed way stiffer, and acted with a more forced careless than their usual actual careless attitude. remy had said thousands of times they actually cared about me and danny. and i believed them, whether it was because i wanted to or because it was true, i couldn't quite figure out. 

i wasn't sure if danny believed them though. the two of them had more of a love-hate relationship than anything else. they argued a lot, most times it wasn't serious, but there were times that it was. sometimes danny would get upset about something and take things too far, he would never hurt remy or anything like that, but he would yell at remy about things that were pretty sensitive to them. usually calling them a fake friend who was just using him and i for popularity, sometimes if things got intense danny would mention their dad, and then remy would say something like, "well it's not like your parents are huge fans of yours either, unless you were just bullshitting us then too." and i'm never completely sure what remy's referring to when they say that danny lied about something to us, but if i try to bring it up danny gets upset, so i've stopped trying to understand it. and to that danny would either storm out or continue yelling about how much of a shitty person remy is, which after a while remy would get sick of it and walk out. at that point, i never know who to comfort first because on one hand, remy is my closest and only friend but on the other, danny is my boyfriend who is a lot more sensitive to that sort of thing than remy is. so i just sit there, like the idiot i am, until either remy starts yelling at me or danny starts yelling at me, unless neither of them start yelling at me in which case we just sit there in awkward silence until someone says something. which if it's remy they'll suggest getting high or going to a party or something to distract themself. and if it's danny he'll accuse me of siding with remy. 

remy led me to through the crowd to a table filled with bags of chips, some cups, beers, and some spiked punch because it wouldn't be a realistic highschool party if there wasn't punch and it wasn't spiked. remy handed me a beer and grabbed one for themself. "here ya go babsie, and before you object with that," remy used air quotes, "'i don't drink' bullshit uh yea ya do, the last time i came over with you and your dumbass boyfriend you both were drunk off your asses. so don't try to lie to me." they said, i rolled my eyes, it wasn't the last time they hung out with danny and i, hell it wasn't even recently, it happened at some point over the summer and i had a sip of whatever it was that danny was drinking. but, remy had a tendency to be a touch dramatic. must be a genetic thing knowing who their brother is. but then again, their brother is ten times worse and his only redeeming quality is the fact that he's hot. and he's not even that hot. he's barely even hot, there's just a small bit of him that's hot and that small bit isn't as hot as he thinks it is. and even if he was as hot as he thinks he is he's way too much of an arrogant asshole to be around. remy is one of the best people ever, or at least at our school, but roman is just a dickhead. 

remy and i stood there for a while watching the crowd, remy gossiping about something i didn't care enough to pay attention to. until remy decided to go "talk to some people" and claimed they would be back soon. which i doubted. they would always claim to be back soon but in reality, they won't be back until five in the morning, too drunk to walk asking if you come over to pick them up, even though you still don't have a car. so instead you call an uber for them who they, not realizing it wasn't you, describe in very high detail who they had sex with at said party they are being picked up from. causing the uber driver to demand an extra tip. especially after remy refused. 

so as remy hung out with their friends, probably having fun like somewhat mentally stable people tend to do. i stood and watched the crowd. it felt like the people were getting closer and closer to me so i backed away until i hit the wall. and suddenly there were even more people surrounding me. with a couple making out to my left and two girls, both ridiculously drunk screaming at each other to my right. 

there wasn't a way to get out. 


Hi everyone! I'm not dead and haven't given up on this book. I have just been busy trying to work some stuff out and have completely given up on an update schedule. 

So, just a couple of things I want to clarify because I've been getting a lot of comments about these things. 

-Danny and Janus are not the same person, they are not even remotely related. When this was written the only thing we had about Janus was the fact that he was Deceit but nothing outside of that so I didn't know how to accurately write him in a way that wouldn't be unfair or inaccurate to his character. Meaning that Janus is not in this story at all. Please don't comment correcting Danny to say Janus. 

-Please do not comment things about Remus and Remy being the same or how you wish Remus was in this story. He is not and I doubt he ever will be. Same with Janus, Remus came much after this story was started and even if he was a character before I started this story, Remy's personality is better and works generally better for the plot than Remus' would. So please, stop saying every time I mention Remy correcting me with Remus. It's not funny or entertaining or cute, it discourages me from writing and it hurts. 

All of these comments have been and will be deleted. If you see one I haven't caught please DM me and it will be removed. 

Another thing, I am opening a Q&A. Feel free to comment or DM me any of your questions and I will answer them. All characters are also open for asks except for Roman and Virgil. 

Thank you all so much for reading and sticking with me! 

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