chapter sixteen- virgil

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i knocked on patton's door, my hands refusing to stop shaking. i was greeted by patton opening the door with his usual, most likely fake, smile planted on his face. "hi anxiety!" he chirped his voice bright and happy sounding. i legitimately could not tell if he really was the happiest person ever or if he was trying too hard to seem cheerful. "um, just so you know, my boyfriend is here, his name is logan," patton added quickly, his tone suddenly sounding worried. i nodded in response, i  remember him saying that at our last very productive meeting. patton smiled once more, obviously feeling reassured. logan probably just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend, it was sweet.

i noticed roman standing in the corner, staring at the ground. he looked sick, i mean, he didn't look completely healthy the last time i cared enough to pay attention to him, but now, he looked like he hadn't eaten in days. usually, he had this look on his face that made it seem like he was ready for some kind of adventure, or ready to do something but he just looked worn out. i saw his eyes turn towards mine, i forced my own eyes to the floor my hands shaking gently at my sides. out of the corner of my eye i saw roman frown. 

he thinks you're a freak.

"oh, hello virgil," a voice said, i could feel myself flinch slightly at the use of my actual name. i glanced towards the voice it had come from patton's boyfriend, logan, i think. i stared at him for a moment, confused, i knew i recognized him, i just didn't know where. "you are daniel's boyfriend correct?" logan asked, his voice was nearly robotic, so robotic it had to be intentional like he wanted to sound emotionless. 

"yeah," i said in a quiet but confused sounding tone. how could he possibly know danny? or more importantly, how could he know i was danny's boyfriend? it's not like we displayed across the halls like most couples did, even if we did, we would be suspended for it. we held hands in the hallways sometimes but some friends even did that. i doubt he knew danny personally and danny doesn't usually talk about our relationship much anyway. that's the thing, he didn't talk about me to anyone, ever. 

"i am his step-brother, he has mentioned you on multiple occasions actually," logan replied, speaking in a tone saying that he was confused as to why i was confused. danny had mentioned a step brother once, and that was describing said step brother as "a know-it-all asshole who thinks he's better than everyone else," which i could see in someone like logan. the teacher's pet who got straight a's (although those a's seem to be the only thing straight about him), who was obviously proud of himself for said straight a's. but knowing that danny had talked to logan about me made my heart pound loud and my cheeks get hot. i forced a small smile as logan turned to talk to patton about something, mainly because my attention was turned to roman, who was looking like he hadn't slept in days. 

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