Watch What Happens ~Roman

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"What a face, face the facts, that's a face that could save us from sinking in the ocean." 

"I have a boyfriend," Anxiety responded, I felt as though the air had just been punched out of my lungs. It made sense, why wouldn't he have a boyfriend? He is the cutest thing ever. Literally. Over the summer Logan did a bunch of research on what makes something cute and then compiled a bunch of pictures and videos of people to prove that Patton was the cutest person in the world. But, obviously, he didn't include Anxiety in his research. I mean, he probably didn't include Andrew Rannells in that research either but that's a different story. 

I forced a laugh and followed it with a smile. "Oh, that makes sense," I said, trying not to sound like all of the hope for being with the cutest boy in the world had just been punched out of me with a single sentence. "Who is he?" I asked curiosity lacing my tone, not because I actually wanted to get to know him or anything but because I had to know who I was going to be jealous of for the next month. 

"Why do you ask?" Anxiety questioned, with a smirk planted on that could save us all from drowning in the ocean. 

"Well, I have to know my competition don't I?" I said with my usual fake confident tone and a grin planted on my face. Anxiety laughed quietly, it was adorable. My smile widened, feeling rather proud of myself getting him to laugh. 

"Daniel Mendacium," Anxiety said that smirk still planted on his face. Remy's friend, that was one of Remy's friends. One of Remy's friends that was a complete and utter asshole to me and everyone else around him. He was one of those people who you thought was nice until you thought more about what he had said to realize that he was just being an asshole the entire time. I don't think Anxiety realized that yet. 

"You mean Danny?" I asked, "he's one of my sibling's friends! Wait, do you know my sibling too? Remy?" I asked, maybe if Anxiety knew Remy then Remy might be able to explain to me why Anxiety would even want that asshole. 

"Yeah," Anxiety responded in a tone that made it seem like it was obvious. That made a lot of sense, based off of Remy's stories about Danny and his boyfriend. Specifically, one from one night a couple of months ago Remy came home and fell directly onto the couch. They took off their sunglasses and sighed. 

"My friends need to get their fucking shit together," Remy sighed loudly as they rolled over and off the couch. "So you know Danny?" Remy asked turning towards me who was standing in the kitchen across the room. 

"Yeah," I responded sitting down on the couch next to where Remy was laying. 

"Well his boyfriend, who is quite literally as innocent as possible, it's pretty fucking ridiculous how innocent he is," Remy started, which was pretty hard to believe because Patton was and always will be the most innocent being in the world. "So like, I was at his house and Danny was there too. And so we were all chilling in his room doing random shit like we always do. When like Danny noticed something on the boyfriend's shelf and he started getting all offended and shit. I don't even know what it was, I think it was like a picture or something and he just started to like scream as loudly as he possibly could've. And like the poor kid just started to shake like hell, he looked fucking horrified and Danny didn't even notice he just kept going, he was like getting louder every single word he spoke and his boyfriend just kept on shaking even more until he looked like he couldn't even breathe anymore. And so Danny was all like 'are you really getting scared? What the fuck is wrong with you?' And shit like that and at this point, his boyfriend is fucking crying and I still don't know what the fuck I should do 'cause like I don't know if I should go comfort his boyfriend or if I should like try and get Danny to shut the fuck up. And then suddenly like his boyfriend yells 'SHUT UP' and then suddenly Danny got like really quiet and he walked towards his boyfriend and then decided to be comforting and shit. And I'm still just chilling there in the corner being all like 'sup bitches' when suddenly Danny turns towards me and is all like 'you should prolly go, he gets pissy when he's like this.' And of course I didn't know what the fuck he meant but I went anyways cause like, I didn't want to piss off Danny. And I don't even know what the fuck happened all I really know at this point is that like Danny was being an asshole." Remy explained, after a couple of moments of silence Remy said, "I should prolly go to bed before Dad gets home, you should too. G'night." Remy walked up the stairs and to their room. 

"Oh wow, that explains so much," I said, "no offense, that just explains a lot of the stories I've heard from Remy," I added quickly, suddenly realizing that it made it sound like I had heard bad things about him. I haven't heard anything bad about him. Usually, if Remy does say anything mentioning Danny's boyfriend, Danny is the one who was the bad guy, not the boyfriend. I was about to add that when Patton came into the room holding a tray of cookies.  

Patton smiled at both Anxiety and me as he set down the tray on the table in front of the couch. Anxiety's eyes watched Patton and the tray. I could feel my stomach churn slightly at the sight of the sugar-filled diabetes that sat on the tray. They looked like sugar cookies with light blue icing, and then in black written "you're one smart cookie!" Way too much fat. Patton smiled, obviously proud of himself, "do you want one Roman?" He asked me his eyes bright as they practically sparkled. 

"No thanks," I said forcing a gentle smile, hoping my voice didn't sound as broken as it felt in my throat. Patton frowned, his blue eyes suddenly looking darker. 

"You didn't eat lunch either, are you okay?" He asked obviously concerned. I nodded quickly. 

"I'm fine," I lied, "I'm just not hungry," I told him, he didn't seem to believe me but turned away anyways.  

"What about you Anxiety, do you want one?" Patton asked turning towards the adorable boy. 

"Sure," he replied as Patton smiled brightly and handed him one of the cookies. Anxiety took it with a gentle and yet adorable smile on his beautiful face. He took a bite out of the cookie as Patton took a cookie for himself. 

"Let's get down to business," I said after a couple of moments with a smile placed on my face. 

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