Keep it Gay~Roman

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Oh wow, two Roman chapters in a row

TW: mentions of eating disorders, abuse, mentions of alcoholism, transphobia, homophobia, transphobic and homophobic slurs

"Keep it light, keep it bright, keep it gay"

A few weeks after the presentation, it had become obvious that Virgil was avoiding me at all costs. Which is fine. I mean, I hate him anyway so I'm glad he's avoiding me. Totally. It's not like I miss his sarcastic remarks or anything. Or his cute little grin he does whenever he wanted to laugh but didn't want to seem like he was enjoying himself. No, I didn't miss it at all, why should I? I hate him. One hundred percent.

Today, Remy and I were going to come out to our Dad. Which in itself, sounds like a terrible idea. Ever since mom died, he can't seem to put down a beer can and if he's not passed out, or at a bar, he was hurting something, or someone. But, recently, something that hadn't happened in the past two years, finally happened. Dad started to be home, talking to Remy and I like we were human beings and not the reason for all of his life's problems. He even told me he was looking for a job. Remy knew better than to get their hopes up, but I reminded them that he deserved a chance, I mean, I doubt he'll stop drinking altogether but there was a chance that he would at least attempt to be a better person. Remy told me not to get my hopes up, that this was probably just because he needed money from us or because something happened and he needed something else from us. And while the villains in the disney movies never got a redemption arch, Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape did.

Remy agreed to give me a ride home and then we would talk to Dad when we got home. It was all nerve-wracking. Not even because of Dad's response to us being gay-even though that is also horrifying- but because it is this huge secret we've been hiding from him for the past couple of years, and it was weird to think about what would happen once this secret is out in the open. Which is also why Remy and I agreed to come out together. That way, if we were going to be getting disowned at least we would be getting disowned together.

For the first time in a while, Remy and I walked home from school together. They were talking about some gossip they heard during lunch but weren't supposed to tell anyone about. Which is why I won't describe in detail what they told me, just know, there was someone was caught doing some things with someone they weren't supposed to be doing said things with.

When we got home, the smell of smoke filled the house. I saw Dad standing in the kitchen looking frustrated, he looked up to see Remy and me, "oh! Hi, can one of you call somewhere for pizza? I tried to make dinner but, my cooking skills are a bit rusty." He explained with a tilted grin, the same grin that Remy and I both have seen in a while.

"Sure, what kind of pizza do you want?" Remy asked taking out their phone looking at Dad skeptically. Dad shrugged in response.

"Whatever you boys want," Dad answered, it was weird to see him so calm and relaxed, it was also weird to hear Remy referred to as a "boy." It did prove my point about Dad though, I gave Remy a grin to which they rolled their eyes.

"Hey," Remy said into the phone, the person on the other side said something, "oh my god, hey boo!" Remy paused, "yeah... well yeah... oh my god for real?" Remy paused and mouthed to me 'Maria Perez' who was one of Remy's "friends" who only really talked to them when the person had some type of gossip. "Does it really surprise you that he would do that?" Remy asked re-engaging in the conversation. "Oh right... yeah, we should totally hang out sometime, if I survive to tomorrow we can hang at Starbies... okay, cool." Remy said as Dad was beginning to look impatient. "Well anyway, can you get me a cheese, no dairy though... yeah... right... I've been trying... well duh... oh my god thank you so much! You're the best! Yeah, I'll talk to you later hun," Remy hung up the phone and turned to a very confused looking father.

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